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feat(runner): Add ability to specify resources for runner pod

This patch allows to provide resource requests and limits to the runner resource, which will be applied to the created Runner Pod.

This is necessarily for us, since we deploy all namespaces with ResourceQuotas. The usage of resource quotas requires the provisioning for resource requests and limits, these also help the scheduler to find the right(-sized) node.

The alternative could be to deploy a limit ranger to the Namespace or deploy a mutation webhook (e.g. a kyverno policy) that would enforce requests and limits on these pods or deployments, however, this seems to be a missed opportunity.

Another alternative would be to enable the operator to come up with own requests and limits by default and maybe even adjust them on the fly. However, this might result in unwanted resource over or under provisioning and heavily depends on the exact setup.

Signed-off-by: Christoph (Sheogorath) Kern

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