gitlab provided $KUBECONFIG in ci is not following $KUBE_NAMESPACE
kubernetes account provided in KUBECONFIG is not in the right namespace when setting namespace with KUBE_NAMESPACE in CI settings
Steps to reproduce
Add a RBAC enabled kubernetes cluster to your project
Set up $KUBE_NAMESPACE to whatever existing namespace in your kubernetes cluster.
set up a CI stage with an environment :
and try to apply a file in the cluster : kubectl apply -f ./file.yml --namespace $KUBE_NAMESPACE
What is the current bug behavior?
user provided in $KUBECONFIG has no edit right in the $KUBE_NAMESPACE
What is the expected correct behavior?
namespace should be $KUBE_NAMESPACE and this token should have edit rights in $KUBE_NAMESPACE
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
see previous screenshots
Output of checks
This bug happens on
Results of GitLab environment info
This bug happens on
Results of GitLab application Check
This bug happens on