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  • Justin Tobler's avatar
    Revert "Extend gitlab:gitaly:check task with readiness verification" · afb951ea
    Justin Tobler authored
    This reverts commit 5923d4d2.
    The Gitaly readiness check is invoked by a GitLab Rails readiness check
    endpoint `GET /-/readiness?all=1` and the `gitlab:gitaly:check` rake
    task. The `ReadinessCheck` RPC, as currently implemented, is not fit for
    use by the Rails API as it was originally intended as a diagnostic tool
    and not something to be invoked frequently. The checks in the RPC open
    multiple database pools and run heavy queries, which can consume
    significant quantities of system resources. The rake task also has an
    inherent issue with this RPC because the task calls Praefect through the
    load balancer. This means that results could vary depending on which
    Praefect node recieves the request.
    To avoid these problems, this change removes the invocation of the
    `ReadnessCheck` RPC. Future updates to this RPC will allow for the check
    to be reintroduced.