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  • Furkan Ayhan's avatar
    Move YamlProcessor::FeatureFlags to Ci::Config · a1b82596
    Furkan Ayhan authored
    We implemented YamlProcessor::FeatureFlags to be used in places where
    we can't reach the context like project. We always used it in CI Entry
    classes. And they are only in the Ci::Config scope. So, it is safer to
    move this to Ci::Config.
    The main reason we are doing this change now is that we recently had
    an incident because Ci::Config was called outside of the YamlProcessor
    scope and it tried to call YamlProcessor::FeatureFlags.
    For the next step, we can change the class name from
    YamlProcessor::FeatureFlags to Ci::Config::FeatureFlags.