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Create Merge Request From Remediated Vulnerability Solution

Lucas Charles requested to merge 9224/create-mr-from-vulnerability-feedback into master

What does this MR do?

Adds support for creating a Merge Request from a Vulnerability Solution

  • Add MergeRequests::CreateFromVulnerabilityDataService
  • Add new Vulnerabilities::Feedback#feedback_type of 'merge_request'


Followup to reverted MR:

Issue covering revert:

It looks like the issue with the original migration was due to MySQL's inability to rollback an index due to foreign key constraints:

Caused by:
Mysql2::Error: Cannot drop index 'index_vulnerability_feedback_on_merge_request_id': needed in a foreign key constraint

So I've updated the index migration with explicit up/down steps. This took some trial and error as I found a few references in the existing codebase but both of the docs on foreign keys and migrations have no explicit mention of this issue:

It would be great to update these accordingly.

Database checklist

When adding migrations:

  • Updated db/schema.rb
  • Added a down method so the migration can be reverted
  • Added the output of the migration(s) to the MR body
  • Added tests for the migration in spec/migrations if necessary (e.g. when migrating data)
❯ be rails db:migrate
== 20190129013538 AddMergeRequestIdToVulnerabilityFeedback: migrating =========
-- add_column(:vulnerability_feedback, :merge_request_id, :integer)
   -> 0.0010s
== 20190129013538 AddMergeRequestIdToVulnerabilityFeedback: migrated (0.0010s)

== 20190301182031 AddMergeRequestIdIndexOnVulnerabilityFeedback: migrating ====
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- foreign_keys(:vulnerability_feedback)
   -> 0.0020s
-- execute("ALTER TABLE vulnerability_feedback\nADD CONSTRAINT fk_563ff1912e\nFOREIGN KEY (merge_request_id)\nREFERENCES merge_requests (id)\nON DELETE SET NULL\nNOT VALID;\n")
   -> 0.0015s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
   -> 0.0003s
-- execute("ALTER TABLE vulnerability_feedback VALIDATE CONSTRAINT fk_563ff1912e;")
   -> 0.0096s
-- execute("RESET ALL")
   -> 0.0004s
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- index_exists?(:vulnerability_feedback, :merge_request_id, {:algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0029s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
   -> 0.0003s
-- add_index(:vulnerability_feedback, :merge_request_id, {:algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0028s
-- execute("RESET ALL")
   -> 0.0003s
== 20190301182031 AddMergeRequestIdIndexOnVulnerabilityFeedback: migrated (0.0207s)

When adding foreign keys to existing tables:

  • Included a migration to remove orphaned rows in the source table before adding the foreign key
  • Removed any instances of dependent: ... that may no longer be necessary

General checklist

Edited by Lucas Charles

Merge request reports