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Add SBoM ingestion tasks

Brian Williams requested to merge bwill/add-sbom-ingestion-tasks into master

What does this MR do and why?

Describe in detail what your merge request does and why.

Issue: #364709 (closed) Epic: &8024 (closed)

The ingestion tasks to the SbomIngestionService. The pre-processing for this service is implemented in !92583 (merged), which retrieves SBoM reports from a pipeline and converts the JSON report objects into batches of OccurrenceMaps. This MR implements the bulk insertion tasks which takes the OccurrenceMaps and uses them to perform bulk upserts into the database. The tasks will be invoked one at a time via IngestReportsSliceService, and will be wrapped in a transaction. The tasks are executed in the following order:

  1. IngestComponents
  2. IngestComponentVersions
  3. IngestSources
  4. IngestOccurrences

The after_ingest method is executed after the task performs its insertions, but before the next task is executed. This allows us to pass the id foreign keys to each dependent relation.

If one of the tasks were to fail, the transaction will be rolled back and the changes from all tasks will be undone. None of the objects in the current batch will be persisted if the transaction is rolled back.

The following DDL diagram shows the relations and the order in which they are created:


All relations tie back to a single sbom_occurrence record, so an OccurenceMap data structure is used to hold all attributes which are related to each other during processing. The service takes the report data, turns it into OccurenceMaps, and then passes the OccurrenceMaps into the ingestion pipeline for performing bulk upserts for each model. The following diagram illustrates the flow of data:

flowchart TD
IngestReportsWorker[IngestReportsWorker: Executes IngestReportsService when pipelines complete];
IngestReportsService[IngestReportsService: Collects reports from pipeline];
IngestReportService[IngestReportService: Turns a single report into batches of OccurenceMaps];
IngestReportSliceService[IngestReportSliceService: Passes a batch of OccurenceMaps into the ingestion pipeline];

IngestReportsWorker-- pipeline -->IngestReportsService
IngestReportsService-- sbom_report -->IngestReportService
IngestReportService-- "occurrence_maps (batched)" -->IngestReportSliceService
IngestReportSliceService-- "occurence_maps (batched)" -->IngestComponents

subgraph Ingestion Pipeline
  IngestComponents-- component_ids -->IngestComponentVersions
  IngestComponentVersions-- component_version_ids -->IngestSources
  IngestSources-- source_ids -->IngestOccurrences


Bulk Insert sbom_components

INSERT INTO "sbom_components" ("component_type", "name", "created_at", "updated_at")
    VALUES (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678'), (0, '', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.174678')
ON CONFLICT ("component_type", "name")
        "updated_at" = excluded. "updated_at"
        "component_type", "name", "id"

Bulk Insert sbom_component_versions

INSERT INTO "sbom_component_versions" ("component_id", "version", "created_at", "updated_at")
    VALUES (1090, 'v1.10.0', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1091, 'v1.1.1', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1092, 'v1.0.1', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1093, 'v0.0.0-20180419184637-5a16671f721f', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1094, 'v6.0.14', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1095, 'v0.1.1', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1096, 'v1.0.0', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1097, 'v1.4.2', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1098, 'v0.1.1', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1099, 'v1.2.2', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1100, 'v0.0.0-20190422165155-953cdadca894', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1100, 'v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1101, 'v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1102, 'v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890'), (1103, 'v2.2.2', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.182890')
ON CONFLICT ("component_id", "version")
        "updated_at" = excluded. "updated_at"

Find or create Sbom::Source

    "sbom_sources"."source_type" = 0
    AND "sbom_sources"."source" = '{"category":"development","input_file":{"path":"subproject/package-lock.json"},"source_file":{"path":"subproject/package.json"},"package_manager":{"name":"npm"},"language":{"name":"JavaScript"}}'
    INSERT INTO "sbom_sources" ("created_at", "updated_at", "source_type", "source", "fingerprint")
        VALUES ('2022-08-30 19:35:16.601244', '2022-08-30 19:35:16.601244', 0, '{"category":"development","input_file":{"path":"subproject/package-lock.json"},"source_file":{"path":"subproject/package.json"},"package_manager":{"name":"npm"},"language":{"name":"JavaScript"}}', '\x30623433616361656332623838616133613531323937373238666530303630623166363831356137346232383766383534336631633731303032303531303739')

Bulk Insert sbom_occurrences

INSERT INTO "sbom_occurrences" ("project_id", "pipeline_id", "component_id", "component_version_id", "source_id", "commit_sha", "created_at", "updated_at")
    VALUES (9, 22, 1090, 1205, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1091, 1206, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1092, 1207, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1093, 1208, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1094, 1209, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1095, 1210, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1096, 1211, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1097, 1212, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1098, 1213, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1099, 1214, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1100, 1215, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1100, 1216, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1101, 1217, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1102, 1218, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424'), (9, 22, 1103, 1219, 1, '\x65636637623562363365366661393538356366343836323936313639363239336166623631326364', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424', '2022-08-30 18:46:25.193424')
ON CONFLICT ("project_id", "component_id", "component_version_id", "source_id", "commit_sha")
        "pipeline_id" = excluded. "pipeline_id", "updated_at" = excluded. "updated_at"

Screenshots or screen recordings

These are strongly recommended to assist reviewers and reduce the time to merge your change.

How to set up and validate locally

Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.

  1. Ensure that you have an EE license

  2. Enabled the feature flag using the rails console: Feature.enable(:cyclonedx_sbom_ingestion)

  3. Setup gitlab runner

  4. Create a new project

  5. Add the following .gitlab-ci.yml to the project:

      image: alpine:latest
        - wget
        - wget
            - gl-sbom-npm-npm.cdx.json
            - gl-sbom-go-go.cdx.json
  6. The pipeline should run and succeed. Note down the pipeline ID.

  7. Connect to postgres: gdk psql

  8. Run this query and verify that data is returned:

      name, version, component_type, source_id
    inner join sbom_component_versions
      on = sbom_component_versions.component_id
    inner join sbom_occurrences
      on = sbom_occurrences.component_version_id
    where pipeline_id = YOUR_PIPELINE_ID;
Example data
                        name                        |              version               | component_type | source_id 
----------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+----------------+-----------                           | v1.10.0                            |              0 |         1                         | v1.1.1                             |              0 |         1 | v1.0.1                             |              0 |         1                             | v0.0.0-20180419184637-5a16671f721f |              0 |         1                          | v6.0.14                            |              0 |         1                       | v0.1.1                             |              0 |         1                      | v1.0.0                             |              0 |         1                         | v1.4.2                             |              0 |         1                           | v0.1.1                             |              0 |         1                        | v1.2.2                             |              0 |         1                                   | v0.0.0-20190422165155-953cdadca894 |              0 |         1                                   | v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037 |              0 |         1                                  | v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405 |              0 |         1                              | v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405 |              0 |         1                                   | v2.2.2                             |              0 |         1
 abab                                               | 2.0.3                              |              0 |         2
 acorn                                              | 5.7.3                              |              0 |         2
 acorn                                              | 6.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 acorn-globals                                      | 4.3.4                              |              0 |         2
 acorn-walk                                         | 6.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 ajv                                                | 6.10.2                             |              0 |         2
 align-text                                         | 0.1.4                              |              0 |         2
 amdefine                                           | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 ansi-regex                                         | 2.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 ansi-regex                                         | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 ansi-styles                                        | 2.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 append-transform                                   | 0.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 archy                                              | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 arr-diff                                           | 4.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 arr-flatten                                        | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 arr-union                                          | 3.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 array-equal                                        | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 array-unique                                       | 0.3.2                              |              0 |         2
 arrify                                             | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 asn1                                               | 0.2.4                              |              0 |         2
 assert-plus                                        | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 assign-symbols                                     | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 async                                              | 1.5.2                              |              0 |         2
 async-limiter                                      | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 asynckit                                           | 0.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 atob                                               | 2.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 aws-sign2                                          | 0.7.0                              |              0 |         2
 aws4                                               | 1.9.0                              |              0 |         2
 babel-code-frame                                   | 6.26.0                             |              0 |         2
 babel-generator                                    | 6.26.1                             |              0 |         2
 babel-messages                                     | 6.23.0                             |              0 |         2
 babel-runtime                                      | 6.26.0                             |              0 |         2
 babel-template                                     | 6.26.0                             |              0 |         2
 babel-traverse                                     | 6.26.0                             |              0 |         2
 babel-types                                        | 6.26.0                             |              0 |         2
 babylon                                            | 6.18.0                             |              0 |         2
 balanced-match                                     | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 base                                               | 0.11.2                             |              0 |         2
 bcrypt-pbkdf                                       | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 brace-expansion                                    | 1.1.11                             |              0 |         2
 braces                                             | 2.3.2                              |              0 |         2
 browser-process-hrtime                             | 0.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 builtin-modules                                    | 1.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 cache-base                                         | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 caching-transform                                  | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 camelcase                                          | 1.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 camelcase                                          | 4.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 caseless                                           | 0.12.0                             |              0 |         2
 center-align                                       | 0.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 chalk                                              | 1.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 class-utils                                        | 0.3.6                              |              0 |         2
 cliui                                              | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 cliui                                              | 4.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 code-point-at                                      | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 collection-visit                                   | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 combined-stream                                    | 1.0.8                              |              0 |         2
 commondir                                          | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 component-emitter                                  | 1.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 concat-map                                         | 0.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 convert-source-map                                 | 1.5.1                              |              0 |         2
 copy-descriptor                                    | 0.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 core-js                                            | 2.5.6                              |              0 |         2
 core-util-is                                       | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 cross-spawn                                        | 4.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 cross-spawn                                        | 5.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 cssom                                              | 0.3.8                              |              0 |         2
 cssstyle                                           | 1.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 dashdash                                           | 1.14.1                             |              0 |         2
 data-urls                                          | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 debug                                              | 2.6.9                              |              0 |         2
 debug                                              | 3.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 debug-log                                          | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 decamelize                                         | 1.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 decamelize                                         | 1.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 decode-uri-component                               | 0.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 deep-is                                            | 0.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 default-require-extensions                         | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 define-property                                    | 0.2.5                              |              0 |         2
 define-property                                    | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 define-property                                    | 2.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 delayed-stream                                     | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 detect-indent                                      | 4.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 domexception                                       | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 ecc-jsbn                                           | 0.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 error-ex                                           | 1.3.1                              |              0 |         2
 escape-string-regexp                               | 1.0.5                              |              0 |         2
 escodegen                                          | 1.12.0                             |              0 |         2
 esprima                                            | 3.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 estraverse                                         | 4.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 esutils                                            | 2.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 esutils                                            | 2.0.3                              |              0 |         2
 execa                                              | 0.7.0                              |              0 |         2
 expand-brackets                                    | 2.1.4                              |              0 |         2
 extend                                             | 3.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 extend-shallow                                     | 2.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 extend-shallow                                     | 3.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 extglob                                            | 2.0.4                              |              0 |         2
 extsprintf                                         | 1.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 fast-deep-equal                                    | 2.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 fast-json-stable-stringify                         | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 fast-levenshtein                                   | 2.0.6                              |              0 |         2
 fill-range                                         | 4.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 find-cache-dir                                     | 0.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 find-up                                            | 1.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 find-up                                            | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 for-in                                             | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 foreground-child                                   | 1.5.6                              |              0 |         2
 forever-agent                                      | 0.6.1                              |              0 |         2
 form-data                                          | 2.3.3                              |              0 |         2
 fragment-cache                                     | 0.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 fs.realpath                                        | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 get-caller-file                                    | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 get-stream                                         | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 get-value                                          | 2.0.6                              |              0 |         2
 getpass                                            | 0.1.7                              |              0 |         2
 glob                                               | 7.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 globals                                            | 9.18.0                             |              0 |         2
 graceful-fs                                        | 4.1.11                             |              0 |         2
 handlebars                                         | 4.0.11                             |              0 |         2
 har-schema                                         | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 har-validator                                      | 5.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 has-ansi                                           | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 has-flag                                           | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 has-value                                          | 0.3.1                              |              0 |         2
 has-value                                          | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 has-values                                         | 0.1.4                              |              0 |         2
 has-values                                         | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 highlight.js                                       | 9.16.2                             |              0 |         2
 hosted-git-info                                    | 2.6.0                              |              0 |         2
 html-encoding-sniffer                              | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 http-signature                                     | 1.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 iconv-lite                                         | 0.4.24                             |              0 |         2
 imurmurhash                                        | 0.1.4                              |              0 |         2
 inflight                                           | 1.0.6                              |              0 |         2
 inherits                                           | 2.0.3                              |              0 |         2
 invariant                                          | 2.2.4                              |              0 |         2
 invert-kv                                          | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-accessor-descriptor                             | 0.1.6                              |              0 |         2
 is-accessor-descriptor                             | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-arrayish                                        | 0.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 is-buffer                                          | 1.1.6                              |              0 |         2
 is-builtin-module                                  | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-data-descriptor                                 | 0.1.4                              |              0 |         2
 is-data-descriptor                                 | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-descriptor                                      | 0.1.6                              |              0 |         2
 is-descriptor                                      | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 is-extendable                                      | 0.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 is-extendable                                      | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 is-finite                                          | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 is-fullwidth-code-point                            | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-fullwidth-code-point                            | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-number                                          | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-number                                          | 4.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-odd                                             | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-plain-object                                    | 2.0.4                              |              0 |         2
 is-stream                                          | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-typedarray                                      | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 is-utf8                                            | 0.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 is-windows                                         | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 isarray                                            | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 isexe                                              | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 isobject                                           | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 isobject                                           | 3.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 isstream                                           | 0.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 istanbul-lib-coverage                              | 1.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 istanbul-lib-hook                                  | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 istanbul-lib-instrument                            | 1.10.1                             |              0 |         2
 istanbul-lib-report                                | 1.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 istanbul-lib-source-maps                           | 1.2.3                              |              0 |         2
 istanbul-reports                                   | 1.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 js-tokens                                          | 3.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 jsbn                                               | 0.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 jsdom                                              | 11.12.0                            |              0 |         2
 jsesc                                              | 1.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 json-schema                                        | 0.2.3                              |              0 |         2
 json-schema-traverse                               | 0.4.1                              |              0 |         2
 json-stringify-safe                                | 5.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 jsprim                                             | 1.4.1                              |              0 |         2
 kind-of                                            | 3.2.2                              |              0 |         2
 kind-of                                            | 4.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 kind-of                                            | 5.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 kind-of                                            | 6.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 lazy-cache                                         | 1.0.4                              |              0 |         2
 lcid                                               | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 left-pad                                           | 1.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 levn                                               | 0.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 load-json-file                                     | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 locate-path                                        | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 lodash                                             | 4.17.10                            |              0 |         2
 lodash                                             | 4.17.15                            |              0 |         2
 lodash.sortby                                      | 4.7.0                              |              0 |         2
 longest                                            | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 loose-envify                                       | 1.3.1                              |              0 |         2
 lru-cache                                          | 4.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 map-cache                                          | 0.2.2                              |              0 |         2
 map-visit                                          | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 md5-hex                                            | 1.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 md5-o-matic                                        | 0.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 mem                                                | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 merge-source-map                                   | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 micromatch                                         | 3.1.10                             |              0 |         2
 mime-db                                            | 1.42.0                             |              0 |         2
 mime-types                                         | 2.1.25                             |              0 |         2
 mimic-fn                                           | 1.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 minimatch                                          | 3.0.4                              |              0 |         2
 minimist                                           | 0.0.8                              |              0 |         2
 mixin-deep                                         | 1.3.1                              |              0 |         2
 mkdirp                                             | 0.5.1                              |              0 |         2
 moment                                             | 2.24.0                             |              0 |         2
 ms                                                 | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 nanomatch                                          | 1.2.9                              |              0 |         2
 normalize-package-data                             | 2.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 normalize.css                                      | 7.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 npm-run-path                                       | 2.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 number-is-nan                                      | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 nwsapi                                             | 2.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 nyc                                                | 11.9.0                             |              0 |         2
 oauth-sign                                         | 0.9.0                              |              0 |         2
 object-assign                                      | 4.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 object-copy                                        | 0.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 object-visit                                       | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 object.pick                                        | 1.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 once                                               | 1.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 optimist                                           | 0.6.1                              |              0 |         2
 optionator                                         | 0.8.3                              |              0 |         2
 os-homedir                                         | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 os-locale                                          | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 p-finally                                          | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 p-limit                                            | 1.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 p-locate                                           | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 p-try                                              | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 parse-json                                         | 2.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 parse5                                             | 4.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 pascalcase                                         | 0.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 path-exists                                        | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 path-exists                                        | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 path-is-absolute                                   | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 path-key                                           | 2.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 path-parse                                         | 1.0.5                              |              0 |         2
 path-type                                          | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 performance-now                                    | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 pify                                               | 2.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 pinkie                                             | 2.0.4                              |              0 |         2
 pinkie-promise                                     | 2.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 pkg-dir                                            | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 pn                                                 | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 posix-character-classes                            | 0.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 prelude-ls                                         | 1.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 pseudomap                                          | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 psl                                                | 1.5.0                              |              0 |         2
 punycode                                           | 1.4.1                              |              0 |         2
 punycode                                           | 2.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 qs                                                 | 6.5.2                              |              0 |         2
 read-pkg                                           | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 read-pkg-up                                        | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 regenerator-runtime                                | 0.11.1                             |              0 |         2
 regex-not                                          | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 repeat-element                                     | 1.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 repeat-string                                      | 1.6.1                              |              0 |         2
 repeating                                          | 2.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 request                                            | 2.88.0                             |              0 |         2
 request-promise-core                               | 1.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 request-promise-native                             | 1.0.8                              |              0 |         2
 require-directory                                  | 2.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 require-main-filename                              | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 resolve-from                                       | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 resolve-url                                        | 0.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 ret                                                | 0.1.15                             |              0 |         2
 right-align                                        | 0.1.3                              |              0 |         2
 rimraf                                             | 2.6.2                              |              0 |         2
 safe-buffer                                        | 5.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 safe-regex                                         | 1.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 safer-buffer                                       | 2.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 sax                                                | 1.2.4                              |              0 |         2
 semver                                             | 5.5.0                              |              0 |         2
 set-blocking                                       | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 set-value                                          | 0.4.3                              |              0 |         2
 set-value                                          | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 shebang-command                                    | 1.2.0                              |              0 |         2
 shebang-regex                                      | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 signal-exit                                        | 3.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 slide                                              | 1.1.6                              |              0 |         2
 snapdragon                                         | 0.8.2                              |              0 |         2
 snapdragon-node                                    | 2.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 snapdragon-util                                    | 3.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 source-map                                         | 0.4.4                              |              0 |         2
 source-map                                         | 0.5.7                              |              0 |         2
 source-map                                         | 0.6.1                              |              0 |         2
 source-map-resolve                                 | 0.5.1                              |              0 |         2
 source-map-url                                     | 0.4.0                              |              0 |         2
 spawn-wrap                                         | 1.4.2                              |              0 |         2
 spdx-correct                                       | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 spdx-exceptions                                    | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 spdx-expression-parse                              | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 spdx-license-ids                                   | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 split-string                                       | 3.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 sshpk                                              | 1.16.1                             |              0 |         2
 static-extend                                      | 0.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 stealthy-require                                   | 1.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 string-width                                       | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 string-width                                       | 2.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 strip-ansi                                         | 3.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 strip-ansi                                         | 4.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 strip-bom                                          | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 strip-eof                                          | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 supports-color                                     | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 supports-color                                     | 3.2.3                              |              0 |         2
 symbol-tree                                        | 3.2.4                              |              0 |         2
 test-exclude                                       | 4.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 to-fast-properties                                 | 1.0.3                              |              0 |         2
 to-object-path                                     | 0.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 to-regex                                           | 3.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 to-regex-range                                     | 2.1.1                              |              0 |         2
 tough-cookie                                       | 2.4.3                              |              0 |         2
 tr46                                               | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 trim-right                                         | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 tunnel-agent                                       | 0.6.0                              |              0 |         2
 tweetnacl                                          | 0.14.5                             |              0 |         2
 type-check                                         | 0.3.2                              |              0 |         2
 uglify-js                                          | 2.8.29                             |              0 |         2
 uglify-to-browserify                               | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 union-value                                        | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 unset-value                                        | 1.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 uri-js                                             | 4.2.2                              |              0 |         2
 urix                                               | 0.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 use                                                | 3.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 uuid                                               | 3.3.3                              |              0 |         2
 validate-npm-package-license                       | 3.0.3                              |              0 |         2
 verror                                             | 1.10.0                             |              0 |         2
 w3c-hr-time                                        | 1.0.1                              |              0 |         2
 webidl-conversions                                 | 4.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 whatwg-encoding                                    | 1.0.5                              |              0 |         2
 whatwg-mimetype                                    | 2.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 whatwg-url                                         | 6.5.0                              |              0 |         2
 whatwg-url                                         | 7.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 which                                              | 1.3.0                              |              0 |         2
 which-module                                       | 2.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 window-size                                        | 0.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 word-wrap                                          | 1.2.3                              |              0 |         2
 wordwrap                                           | 0.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 wordwrap                                           | 0.0.3                              |              0 |         2
 wrap-ansi                                          | 2.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 wrappy                                             | 1.0.2                              |              0 |         2
 write-file-atomic                                  | 1.3.4                              |              0 |         2
 ws                                                 | 5.2.2                              |              0 |         2
 xml-name-validator                                 | 3.0.0                              |              0 |         2
 y18n                                               | 3.2.1                              |              0 |         2
 yallist                                            | 2.1.2                              |              0 |         2
 yargs                                              | 11.1.0                             |              0 |         2
 yargs                                              | 3.10.0                             |              0 |         2
 yargs-parser                                       | 8.1.0                              |              0 |         2
 yargs-parser                                       | 9.0.2                              |              0 |         2
(367 rows)

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Brian Williams

Merge request reports