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Add telemetry for license compliance widget extension

- requested to merge 368873-add-license-compiance-widget-telemetry into master

What does this MR do and why?

For #366652 (closed)

This adds metrics around existing tracking events for the Terraform widget extension.

Unfortunately, defining the metrics for each of these widgets requires around 500 Lines of Code and 21 files modified, so they were split up into their own MRs.

Issue/MR Widget EE?
!91831 (merged) WidgetTestSummary
!93340 (merged) WidgetTerraform
!93333 (merged) WidgetCodeQuality
!93232 (merged) WidgetAccessibility
#368871 (closed) WidgetSecurityReports
#368872 (closed) WidgetBrowserPerformance
We are here 👉🏻 WidgetLicenseCompliance
#368874 WidgetLoadPerformance
#368875 (closed) WidgetMetrics
#368876 (closed) WidgetStatusChecks

Screenshots or screen recordings

This is all piping for tracking data.

How to set up and validate locally

This is just adding Metrics, so there really isn't anything to test locally.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

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Merge request reports