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Create Imageable concern for config

What does this MR do and why?

  • Create Imageable concern for config in order to remove duplication between Image and Service. #208774 (closed)
  • use spec_helper instead of fast_spec_helper in image_spec.rb and service_spec.rb in order to fix error when files are tested alone. Proposed by @leetickett on Gitter contributors channel.
bundle exec rspec ./spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/service_spec.rb
An error occurred while loading ./spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/service_spec.rb.
Failure/Error: include DatabaseReflection

  uninitialized constant Feature::FlipperFeature::DatabaseReflection
# ./lib/feature.rb:9:in `<class:FlipperFeature>'
# ./lib/feature.rb:8:in `<module:Feature>'
# ./lib/feature.rb:6:in `<top (required)>'
# ./spec/support/helpers/stub_feature_flags.rb:6:in `included'
# ./spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/service_spec.rb:8:in `include'
# ./spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/service_spec.rb:8:in `block in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/service_spec.rb:7:in `<top (required)>'
Run options: include {:focus=>true}

All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}
No examples found.
  • remove unused require in spec/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry/rules/rule_spec.rb

Screenshots or screen recordings

Screenshots are required for UI changes, and strongly recommended for all other merge requests.

How to set up and validate locally

Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #208774 (closed)

Edited by Furkan Ayhan

Merge request reports