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Free trial CTA takes user to about your company page

What does this MR do and why?

Related to Free trial CTA from dashboard takes user to abo... (#365519 - closed)

Currently, if an existing SaaS namespace attempt to start a trial while logged in we force them to create or import and do not provide an option to apply the trial to existing namespace. This creates problems for existing free SaaS users as they are forced to create a new group which will not include the setup/contributions they've already made in their previously created group.

We should ensure that if it's an existing already logged in user that creating the trial that we present them with a screen where they can select which group they want to apply their trial to.

How to set up and validate locally with screenshots

bin/rails c

  • Sign in as admin and go to a group that never had trial and eligible for trial.
  • Go to Settings -> Billing. Click Start your free trial:
Click to expand Screenshot_2022-08-03_at_12.19.05
  • Make sure you are redirected to /-/trials/new.
  • Replicate steps without optional from this MR

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Serhii Yarynovskyi

Merge request reports