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Fix return value when PAT called by id through API not exists

Andreas Deicha requested to merge siemens/gitlab:fix/PAT_API_Endpoint_id into master

What does this MR do and why?

This is an addendum to this MR and is intended to fix a wrong behavior. The desired behavior when requesting a Personal Access Token via ID through the API should be as follows:

(Commented by @nmalcolm here in the original MR

@mwoolf Ah that's a good point then. I'm easy TBH - as long as the user is authorized (i.e. admin) then a 404 for not found is fine; they should never get a 401 in that case. So we'd end up with the following scenarios:

Scenario Non-Admin Admin
Accessing their own token 200 200
Accessing their own expired token - expiration is irrelevant? 200 200
Accessing a token they don't own 401 200
Accessing a token that doesn't exist (e.g. a bad ID, or their own token which has been deleted) 401 404

The current behavior and thus the bug differs in the last listed point.

Scenario Non-Admin Admin
Accessing a token that doesn't exist (e.g. a bad ID, or their own token which has been deleted) 401 401

This MR fixes the wrong behavior.

🛠 with at Siemens

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Edited by Andreas Deicha

Merge request reports