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Consuming remaining jobs and correct approvals_required

Mark Chao requested to merge 1979-1-3-fix-approvals-required into master

CE backport:

What does this MR do?

This is consisted of two fixed:

MigrateApproverToApprovalRulesInBatch sidekiq job GRPC::NotFound error


  • Consumes remaining jobs
  • Fix exception of cases where project's repository is missing.

This is estimated to take around 10 minutes in total on production:

  • searching for target MRs: 2 minutes
  • migrating those MRs: 8 minutes

Fix approvals_required being zero, follow up of !9143 (merged)


A data clean up after the fix.
Some MR rules might have 0 as approvals_required where it should have been the project's `approvals_required'. Find those and update to project approval rate.

The affected rows are 240, and the migration will take 3 seconds.

What are the relevant issue numbers? #8647 (closed)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Edited by Mark Chao

Merge request reports