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Explain free user cap calculation of minimum seats

Nicolas Dular requested to merge nd/change-checkout-language-fe into master

What does this MR do and why?

This changes the label how the seats get calculated on the checkout page when free_user_cap is enabled for a group, as we account for active and awaiting members when purchasing a subscription for a group that is affected by the free_user_cap.


Screenshots or screen recordings

FreeUserCap: Disabled FreeUserCap: Enabled
Screenshot_2022-06-21_at_21.15.30 Screenshot_2022-06-21_at_21.15.00

How to set up and validate locally

  2. Have customerDot running and set up correctly to work with your GitLab instance
  3. gdk start
  4. Enable free_user_cap as feature flag globally, and set the gitlab instance to namespace plans
    bin/rails c
    ApplicationSetting.first.update(check_namespace_plan: true)
  5. Visit http://localhost:3000/-/subscriptions/new?namespace_id=<your free group id here>&plan_id=2c92c0f876e0f4cc0176e176a08f1b70

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Merge request reports