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Replace repeat icon with retry icon for jobs

Miguel Rincon requested to merge mrincon-replace-repeat-with-retry-icon into master

What does this MR do and why?

Hackathon time!

This change updates pipeline and job retry buttons with a retry icon so we can stay consistent across pages.

from to
Screen_Shot_2022-06-28_at_09.50.27 Screen_Shot_2022-06-28_at_09.51.17


When we visit the pipeline graph we can re-run jobs with a retry icon such as this:

Other equivalent retry actions should have this icon!

I decided to work on this as part of the devopsverify Hackathon week so it has no issue attached, it's just something I have been meaning to do something about for a long time!

Screenshots or screen recordings

3 changes:

Project > Pipelines page e.g. http://gdk.test:3000/root/<project>/-/pipelines

before after
Screen_Shot_2022-06-28_at_09.46.05 Screen_Shot_2022-06-28_at_09.32.38

Pipeline Page e.g. http://gdk.test:3000/root/<project>/-/pipelines/268/builds

before after
image Screen_Shot_2022-06-28_at_09.34.41
image image

Project > Jobs page e.g. http://gdk.test:3000/root/<project>/-/jobs

With jobs_table_vue off

before after
image image

With jobs_table_vue on

before after
image image

How to set up and validate locally

Visit the pages above, with at least one failed job.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Miguel Rincon

Merge request reports