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Geo: Improve project view UI to teach users how to clone from a secondary Geo node and push to a primary.

Gabriel Mazetto requested to merge 789-geo-clone-ui into master

This Merge request adds a new button into the "repository clone widget" to guide Geo (#76 (closed)) users how to define a different remote URL for pushing code. We can infer the primary's node URL when using HTTP method, but not for SSH or Kerberos (as they can vary according to configuration defined into config files).

For the HTTP method the instruction will be "complete", while for the others there will be a placeholder instead of the primary's node URL for that repository. (See screenshots below)


  • Display a button after the clipboard icon only in secondary Geo nodes
  • Clicking in the Geo info button, shows up a dialog with instructions
  • Instructions use the selected clone mode to display correct text (HTTP/SSH/KERBEROS)

Closes #789 (closed)



Merge request reports