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Add yamllint linter to lefthook config

David Dieulivol requested to merge 363828-lefthook_yamllint into master


Closes #363828 (closed)

What does this MR do?

What it looks like

yamllint is not installed locally

$ lefthook run pre-push
Lefthook v0.7.7


  EXECUTE > yamllint
 ERROR: yamllint is not installed. Please install the pre-requisites locally:


SUMMARY: (done in 8.44 seconds)
✔️  docs-metadata
✔️  markdownlint
✔️  vale
✔️  danger
🥊  yamllint

yamllint is installed locally

$ lefthook run pre-push
Lefthook v0.7.7


  EXECUTE > yamllint


SUMMARY: (done in 7.44 seconds)
✔️  vale
✔️  markdownlint
✔️  yamllint
✔️  docs-metadata
✔️  danger

How to set up and validate locally

Check the error message when yamllint is not installed locally

  • Checkout the branch for this MR
  • Uninstall yamllint
  • Run bundle exec lefthook run pre-push
    • You should see a nice error message with a link to the docs
  • Install yamllint
  • Run bundle exec lefthook run pre-push
    • The linting should run for yamllint.

Check that the lefthook addition works as expected

  • Checkout the branch for this MR
  • Follow the documentation to install yamllint locally
  • Change a YAML file with a valid change
  • Make a commit
  • Run bundle exec lefthook run pre-push
    • You should see a successful entry for yamllint
  • Change a YAML file with an invalid change
  • Make a commit
  • Run bundle exec lefthook run pre-push
  • You should see a failed entry for yamllint

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

  • I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.
  • Mention this change in the #development channel
  • Mention this change in EWIR


Hi all,

TL;DR: brew install yamllint 😉

In !88909 (merged), we have introduced a YAML linter to lefthook. If you are using lefthook, you will have to install yamllint locally. On a mac setup, brew install yamllint should do the trick.

Edited by David Dieulivol

Merge request reports