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Resolve "Adapt subscriptions page for free plans and trials"

What does this MR do?

This MR adapts the subscription table which was introduced in 11.6 for free plans and trials.

Some information doesn't apply to free plans and trials, so in those cases, the table has been adapted (by hiding specific rows/cells and showing certain information in other places) in order to avoid confusion.


Free subscription_table_free
Trial subscription_table_gold_trial

Howto create a "Gold trial" subscription locally:

Open up the rails console and execute the following (where my-trial-group is the group you want to create the Gold trial for):

plan = Plan.find_by_name('gold')
group = Group.find_by_path('my-trial-group')
group.create_gitlab_subscription!(hosted_plan: plan, seats: 100, start_date:, end_date: 1.year.from_now.to_date)
sub = group.gitlab_subscription
sub.update_attributes!(trial: true, trial_ends_on: 1.month.from_now)

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Closes #8838 (closed)

Edited by Martin Wortschack

Merge request reports