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Use GitLab UI radio button component for Project Merge Request settings' Merge Method section

For #361137 (closed)


Part of the department-wide Pajamas conversion OKR.


I converted HTML to a special function that renders HTML.


  1. Go to a project that you have admin rights for
  2. Click to the General settings for the project (left nav)
  3. Open the "Merge requests" section
  4. The first sub-section is "Merge method"


The special function has a help_text argument that renders some subtext below the radio input.
However, it's not very well-suited to more than a single line of text, so it's pretty clunky to represent that as a single argument.

It seems that <br /> elements have different heights in the new output (in a <p>) versus the old output (in an implicit <div>). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Before After
before after
Edited by Thomas Randolph

Merge request reports