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Add approval required states to license compliance widget extension

- requested to merge 356335-license-compliance-approval-required into master

Adds support for approval required summary text variant.

Goal is to replicate the widget summary from the legacy widget extension we will eventually replace. See: for reference. This is the original implementation we are referencing as part of the migration to the new MR widget extension framework.

The old widget will eventually be removed entirely.

Possible Text Copy States

Common Variations

License Compliance detected no licenses for the source branch only
License Compliance detected no new licenses

Approval Required

License Compliance detected %d licenses and policy violations for the source branch only; approval required
License Compliance detected %d license for the source branch only
License Compliance detected %d new licenses and policy violations; approval required
License Compliance detected %d new licenses

No approval required

License Compliance detected %d licenses and policy violations for the source branch only
License Compliance detected %d licenses for the source branch only
License Compliance detected %d new licenses and policy violations
License Compliance detected %d new licenses

Related to #356335 (closed)

Priow MR landing required

This MR builds on !86333 (merged) so that needs to land first

Edited by -

Merge request reports