Drop ignored column requirement_id
Related to #345845 (closed)
What does this MR do and why?
The column requirements_management_test_reports.requirement_id
was ignored in !82134 (merged) and it's ready to be removed from the table.
The ignore rule is scheduled to be removed in %15.1 with #361225 (closed).
bin/rails db:migrate:up VERSION=20220503134610
== 20220503134610 RemoveRequirementsManagementTestReportsRequirementId: migrating
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- remove_column(:requirements_management_test_reports, :requirement_id)
-> 0.0035s
== 20220503134610 RemoveRequirementsManagementTestReportsRequirementId: migrated (0.0241s)
bin/rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20220503134610
== 20220503134610 RemoveRequirementsManagementTestReportsRequirementId: reverting
-- column_exists?(:requirements_management_test_reports, :requirement_id)
-> 0.0082s
-- add_column(:requirements_management_test_reports, :requirement_id, :bigint, {:after=>:created_at})
-> 0.0025s
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- index_exists?(:requirements_management_test_reports, :requirement_id, {:name=>:index_requirements_management_test_reports_on_requirement_id, :algorithm=>:concurrently})
-> 0.0052s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
-> 0.0008s
-- add_index(:requirements_management_test_reports, :requirement_id, {:name=>:index_requirements_management_test_reports_on_requirement_id, :algorithm=>:concurrently})
-> 0.0049s
-- execute("RESET statement_timeout")
-> 0.0010s
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- foreign_keys(:requirements_management_test_reports)
-> 0.0052s
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- execute("ALTER TABLE requirements_management_test_reports\nADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_fb3308ad55\nFOREIGN KEY (requirement_id)\nREFERENCES requirements (id)\nON DELETE CASCADE\nNOT VALID;\n")
-> 0.0024s
-- execute("ALTER TABLE requirements_management_test_reports VALIDATE CONSTRAINT fk_rails_fb3308ad55;")
-> 0.0034s
== 20220503134610 RemoveRequirementsManagementTestReportsRequirementId: reverted (0.0606s)
MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %15.0
assigned to @egrieff
Suggested Reviewers (beta)
This is an experimental ML-based code reviewer recommendation system created by ~"group::applied ml".
The individuals below may be good candidates to participate in the review based on various factors.
After you review all recommendations, please assign reviewers manually, as this is not done automatically.
You can use slash commands in comments to quickly assign
/assign_reviewer @user1
.Reviewers @rkadam3
If you do not believe these recommendations are useful or if you do not want to use any of the suggestions, please apply the label Bad Suggested Reviewer. You can also provide feedback for this feature on this issue:
.Automatically generated by Suggested Reviewers Bot
removed [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
removed workflowready for development label
added database label
1 Warning You've made some app changes, but didn't add any tests.
That's OK as long as you're refactoring existing code,
but please consider adding any of the maintenancepipelines, maintenanceworkflow, documentation, QA labels.Reviewer roulette
Changes that require review have been detected!
Please refer to the table below for assigning reviewers and maintainers suggested by Danger in the specified category:
Category Reviewer Maintainer database Dylan Griffith ( @DylanGriffith
) (UTC+10, 9 hours ahead of@egrieff
)Steve Abrams ( @sabrams
) (UTC-6, 7 hours behind@egrieff
)~migration No reviewer available No maintainer available To spread load more evenly across eligible reviewers, Danger has picked a candidate for each review slot, based on their timezone. Feel free to override these selections if you think someone else would be better-suited or use the GitLab Review Workload Dashboard to find other available reviewers.
To read more on how to use the reviewer roulette, please take a look at the Engineering workflow and code review guidelines. Please consider assigning a reviewer or maintainer who is a domain expert in the area of the merge request.
Once you've decided who will review this merge request, assign them as a reviewer! Danger does not automatically notify them for you.
Generated by
Danger- Resolved by Tiger Watson
@cat do you mind reviewing?
requested review from @cat
marked the checklist item I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR. as completed
- Resolved by Tiger Watson
removed review request for @cat
, thanks for approving this merge request.This is the first time the merge request is approved. To ensure full test coverage, a new pipeline has been started.
For more info, please refer to the following links:
requested review from @tigerwnz
added databaseapproved label
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 211da7a4 succeeds
mentioned in commit b0a658db
added workflowstaging-canary label
added workflowcanary label and removed workflowstaging-canary label
added workflowstaging label and removed workflowcanary label
added workflowproduction label and removed workflowstaging label
added releasedcandidate label
mentioned in merge request kubitus-project/kubitus-installer!1040 (merged)
mentioned in commit 6cbc2965
mentioned in merge request !90029 (merged)
added releasedpublished label and removed releasedcandidate label
removed groupproduct planning label