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Add post_deploy migration for dropping the integrations.template column

Fixes #335181 (closed)

Added the post deploy migration for dropping the template column from the integrations table.

Migration scripts

$ rake db:migrate
== 20220325050642 DropIntegrationsTemplateColumn: migrating ===================
-- remove_column(:integrations, :template, :boolean)
   -> 0.0168s
== 20220325050642 DropIntegrationsTemplateColumn: migrated (0.0169s) ==========
$ rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20220325050642
== 20220325050642 DropIntegrationsTemplateColumn: reverting ===================
-- add_column(:integrations, :template, :boolean)
   -> 0.0053s
== 20220325050642 DropIntegrationsTemplateColumn: reverted (0.0092s) ==========
Edited by Arturo Herrero

Merge request reports