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De-quarantine kubernetes test

What does this MR do?

De-quaranine the Kubernetes Agent QA test.

This spec started to fail consistently around Jan 5. Before this date, the test was passing consistently. So, on the Jan 11, the test got quarantined: !77942 (merged).

There were no spec changes to the test that I'm aware of, so I started to think this could be an environment related problem.

Also on Jan 5, we've made some changes to our gstg infrastructure that impact how we route requests to KAS: gitlab-com/gl-infra/k8s-workloads/gitlab-com@bbe05743

From this day on, we had a few MRs that are related to our GitLab chart that also relates to how the requests are routed. See the comment here.

Test validation

Since a few days ago, this test seems to be consistently passing. We saw this on Allure reports:

As well as on a couple of tests run by @niskhakova (internal slack thread)

I believe the test now passes after the recent fixes we did to our GitLab chart, as mentioned in the above comment.

Since, we couldn't find evidence of the test failing anymore this days, I'd like to suggest that we de-quarantine it, and watch how healthy it stays on the staging full-run.

E2E Test Failure issue(s)

#349708 (closed), #349705 (closed)


Edited by João Alexandre Cunha

Merge request reports