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Use environment tier for jira_connect

Alan Andrade requested to merge alanandrade/gitlab:jira_connect_envtier into master

What does this MR do and why?

It uses the deployment tier for the jira connect deployment type.

All deployments on jira are showing up as unmmaped or development because jira connects tries to guess the deployment type by the environment name. Now that gitlab supports setting the deployment tier, let's use that instead so the environment name can be whatever and still get deployments correctly mapped to their environment.

The guessing logic for the deployment type was merged with the environment guess_tier logic.

This will help our team get Jira's cycle time and deployment frequency charts available.

The community has discussed this approach on the following issues:

Screenshots or screen recordings

Jira's current state of deployments mapping





  • I've done the updates using the WebIDE and checking test failures.

Help wanted

  • Somebody from gitlab can guide the decision of what to do with the guessing logic that used to live in Deployment#type and now lives merged together with that on Environment#guess_tier.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Alan Andrade

Merge request reports