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DRY supported ssh key types

Bogdan Denkovych requested to merge refactor-ssh-public-key-implementation into master

What does this MR do and why?

Remove redundant format validation for Key#key. This type of validation covered by validate :key_meets_restrictions in Key model, that would return a comprehensive error message like: "Key type is forbidden. Must be RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or ED25519". We are about to add support for 2 new types of keys: ECDSA-SK and ED25519-SK. Removing this type of validation would allow easier extending the supported list of keys. See #213259 (closed).

Add Gitlab::SSHPublicKey.supported_types method. This method returns the names of ssh keys GitLab supports. Gitlab::SSHPublicKey should be the source of truth about such information. SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES has the same information so I reused the method to prevent duplication that would allow easier to extend the list of supported keys. See #213259 (closed).

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Edited by Bogdan Denkovych

Merge request reports