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Fix: update snowplow tracking for wiki format

David O'Regan requested to merge 335656-wiki-format-tracking-fix into master

What does this MR do and why?

A small follow up from: !74079 (merged) for:

When we merged the initial version we were not aware that value could only be a decimal yet we provided a String. This caused a silent failure in snowplow.

This merge fixes that so the schema is now:

  label: WIKI_FORMAT_LABEL, // 'wiki_format'
  extra: { 
    value: this.format, // 'markdown'
    project_path: this.pageInfo.path, // 'project/path/wiki'
    old_format: this.pageInfo.format // 'markdown'

And we take the opportunity to update the supporting documentation to remove any ambiguity around the structured event taxonomy.

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Related to #335656

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