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Draft: Add gem database_consistency

Peter Leitzen requested to merge pl-gem-database-consistency into master

This MR adds Ruby gem

Contributes to #210029.


bundle exec database_consistency install
bundle exec database_consistency


/home/peter/.dotfiles/asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/set-1.0.1/lib/set.rb:648: warning: already initialized constant Set::InspectKey
/home/peter/.dotfiles/asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.4/lib/ruby/2.7.0/set.rb:618: warning: previous definition of InspectKey was here
WARNING: Active Record does not support composite primary key.

user_follow_users has composite primary key. Composite primary key is ignored.
Hey, some of checks fail with an error, please open an issue on github at
Attach the created file: database_consistency_2021_11_09_12_22_00
Thank you, for your contribution!
(c) Evgeniy Demin <>
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Feature id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Feature key column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Gate id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Gate feature_key column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Gate key column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Runner id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PipelineScheduleVariable id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::PipelineScheduleVariable pipeline_schedule_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (pipeline_schedule)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::ResourceGroup project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::ResourceGroup key column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::JobArtifact project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::JobArtifact file_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::JobArtifact job_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (job)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Variable id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Variable project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::GroupVariable id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::GroupVariable group_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (group)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::BuildTraceChunk chunk_index column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::BuildTraceChunk data_store column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::BuildTraceChunk build_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (build)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PipelineSchedule id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Trigger id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::TriggerRequest id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::TriggerRequest trigger_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (trigger)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult date column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult last_pipeline_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (last_pipeline)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult ref_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult group_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult data column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::JobVariable job_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (job)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Ref project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Ref ref_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::BuildRunnerSession url column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Resource resource_group_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (resource_group)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::PendingBuild build_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (build)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::PendingBuild project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DeletedObject store_dir column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::DeletedObject file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PipelineVariable id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::PipelineVariable pipeline_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (pipeline)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::RunningBuild build_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (build)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::RunningBuild project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::RunningBuild runner_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (runner)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::RunningBuild runner_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::FreezePeriod project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Ci::FreezePeriod freeze_start column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Ci::FreezePeriod freeze_end column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Ci::FreezePeriod cron_timezone column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::RunnerNamespace id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::RunnerProject id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::RunnerProject runner_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (runner)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::BuildMetadata project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Ci::BuildMetadata environment_auto_stop_in column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Ci::BuildMetadata expanded_environment_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::BuildNeed id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::PipelineMessage pipeline_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (pipeline)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Minutes::NamespaceMonthlyUsage namespace_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (namespace)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Minutes::NamespaceMonthlyUsage date column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Minutes::ProjectMonthlyUsage project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Ci::Minutes::ProjectMonthlyUsage date column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail License id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail License data column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ApplicationSetting id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting static_objects_external_storage_url column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting static_objects_external_storage_auth_token column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting custom_http_clone_url_root column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting eks_account_id column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting encrypted_eks_secret_access_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting sourcegraph_url column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting encrypted_akismet_api_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting encrypted_elasticsearch_aws_secret_access_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting encrypted_recaptcha_private_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting encrypted_recaptcha_site_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting encrypted_slack_app_secret_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ApplicationSetting encrypted_slack_app_verification_token_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Project id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Project namespace_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (group)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Project suggestion_commit_message column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Snippet id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail Snippet encrypted_secret_token column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Snippet encrypted_secret_token_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Plan id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail User id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail User static_object_token column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Shard id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Shard name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail GeoNode id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Alert alert_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (alert)
NullConstraintChecker fail IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue issue_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (issue)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Email id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes cluster_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (cluster)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail BroadcastMessage id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail BroadcastMessage message_html column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail BroadcastMessage target_path column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail BulkImports::Entity status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Key id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail DeployToken id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail DeployToken expires_at column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DeployToken name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail DeployToken token_encrypted column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Deployment id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Deployment iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Deployment tag column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Deployment status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Event action column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Issue id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail Issue external_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Milestone id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Note id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail WikiPage::Meta id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail WikiPage::Meta title column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail IssueLink id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Iteration iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Environment id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Cluster name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Helm id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Helm status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Helm version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Ingress id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Ingress status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Ingress ingress_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Ingress version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::CertManager id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::CertManager status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::CertManager version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Crossplane id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Crossplane status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Crossplane version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Crossplane version column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Crossplane stack column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Prometheus id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Prometheus status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Prometheus version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Runner id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Runner status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Runner version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Jupyter id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Jupyter status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Jupyter version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Knative id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Knative status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Knative version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::ElasticStack status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::ElasticStack version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::ElasticStack version column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Cilium status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Epic id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Epic iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Epic title_html column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Epic external_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail UserPreference id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail UserPreference user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user)
LengthConstraintChecker fail UserPreference projects_sort column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail NotificationSetting id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Package package_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedBranch id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel protected_branch_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (protected_branch)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel protected_branch_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (protected_branch)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedBranch::UnprotectAccessLevel id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProtectedBranch::UnprotectAccessLevel protected_branch_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (protected_branch)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedTag id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedTag::CreateAccessLevel id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProtectedTag::CreateAccessLevel protected_tag_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (protected_tag)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Integration id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ForkNetworkMember id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ForkNetwork id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Todo id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Todo state column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail UserStatus user_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail GeoNodeStatus id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail GeoNodeStatus geo_node_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (geo_node)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Finding uuid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Export status column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Export file column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment::DeployAccessLevel id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment::DeployAccessLevel protected_environment_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (protected_environment)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Appearance id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Appearance title column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Appearance description column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ComplianceManagement::Framework color column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail CustomEmoji namespace_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (namespace)
NullConstraintChecker fail CustomEmoji file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Dast::Profile description column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DastSiteValidation url_base column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DastSiteValidation url_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Dast::ProfileSchedule project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Dast::ProfileSchedule next_run_at column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Dast::ProfileSchedule cron column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestReviewer user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (reviewer)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestReviewer merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
NullConstraintChecker fail ApprovalProjectRule project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRule merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail UserCallout id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail DesignManagement::Action design_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (design)
NullConstraintChecker fail DesignManagement::Action version_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (version)
LengthConstraintChecker fail DesignManagement::Action image_v432x230 column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail AlertManagement::Alert iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail PrometheusAlert id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail EpicIssue id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail AwardEmoji id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Board id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail List id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail List limit_metric column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ContainerRepository id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ContainerRepository project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail ContainerRepository name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Conan::Metadatum package_username column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Conan::Metadatum package_channel column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Maven::Metadatum path column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::ExternalIssueLink author_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (author)
NullConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Statistic letter_grade column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail AlertManagement::HttpIntegration encrypted_token column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail AlertManagement::HttpIntegration encrypted_token_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Release id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Release released_at column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Releases::Link release_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (release)
NullConstraintChecker fail Releases::Evidence release_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (release)
LengthConstraintChecker fail ContainerExpirationPolicy name_regex column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ContainerExpirationPolicy cadence column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ContainerExpirationPolicy older_than column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::AgentToken token_encrypted column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallRotation oncall_schedule_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (schedule)
NullConstraintChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationRule policy_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (policy)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail PushRule id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail PathLock id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::PackageFile verification_failure column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum recipe_revision column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum package_revision column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum conan_package_reference column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum conan_file_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::DependencyLink dependency_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Dependency name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Dependency version_pattern column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Label id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Agent project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Terraform::State file column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Terraform::State lock_xid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Terraform::State name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail AuditEvents::ExternalAuditEventDestination namespace_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (group)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail LfsObjectsProject id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail NamespaceSetting namespace_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Approval id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Route id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail PlanLimits plan_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (plan)
NullConstraintChecker fail ResourceStateEvent state column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ResourceMilestoneEvent action column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ResourceMilestoneEvent state column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ResourceIterationEvent action column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ResourceLabelEvent action column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail RemoteMirror id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail MilestoneRelease milestone_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (milestone)
NullConstraintChecker fail MilestoneRelease release_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (release)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectFeatureUsage project_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail NoteDiffFile id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile diff column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile new_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile renamed_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile deleted_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile a_mode column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile b_mode column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile new_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail NoteDiffFile old_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProjectExportJob jid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectImportState id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProjectImportState correlation_id_value column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail InternalId last_value column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ServiceDeskSetting issue_template_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ExternalPullRequest project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail ExternalPullRequest pull_request_iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ExternalPullRequest source_branch column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ExternalPullRequest target_branch column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ExternalPullRequest source_repository column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ExternalPullRequest target_repository column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestAssignee user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (assignee)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestAssignee merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectRepository disk_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectRepository project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail SnippetUserMention snippet_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (snippet)
NullConstraintChecker fail IssueUserMention issue_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (issue)
NullConstraintChecker fail CommitUserMention note_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (note)
NullConstraintChecker fail CommitUserMention commit_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DesignUserMention design_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (design)
NullConstraintChecker fail DesignUserMention note_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (note)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestUserMention merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
NullConstraintChecker fail VulnerabilityUserMention vulnerability_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (vulnerability)
NullConstraintChecker fail EpicUserMention epic_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (epic)
NullConstraintChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertUserMention alert_management_alert_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (alert_management_alert)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail SpamLog id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ChatName id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Subscription id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail X509Issuer subject_key_identifier column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail X509Issuer subject column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail X509Issuer crl_url column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail AbuseReport id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail UserAgentDetail id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProgrammingLanguage id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProgrammingLanguage color column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommit relative_order column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail JiraImportState jid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail JiraImportState jira_project_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail JiraImportState jira_project_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent title column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent title column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent query_expression column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent payload_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition note_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (note)
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition diff_content_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition diff_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition line_code column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition line_code column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition base_sha column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition start_sha column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition head_sha column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition old_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DiffNotePosition new_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectTracingSetting project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectTracingSetting external_url column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectDailyStatistic project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectDailyStatistic fetch_count column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail GpgKey id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent platform column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent collector_tstamp column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent event column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent event_id column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent name_tracker column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent v_tracker column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent v_collector column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent v_etl column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent user_id column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent user_ipaddress column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent user_fingerprint column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent domain_userid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent network_userid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent geo_country column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent geo_region column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent geo_city column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent geo_zipcode column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent geo_region_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ip_isp column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ip_organization column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ip_domain column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ip_netspeed column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent page_title column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent page_urlscheme column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent page_urlhost column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent page_urlpath column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent page_urlquery column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent page_urlfragment column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_urlscheme column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_urlhost column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_urlpath column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_urlquery column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_urlfragment column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_medium column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_source column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_term column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent mkt_medium column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent mkt_source column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent mkt_term column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent mkt_content column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent mkt_campaign column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent se_category column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent se_action column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent se_label column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent se_property column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent tr_orderid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent tr_affiliation column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent tr_city column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent tr_state column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent tr_country column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ti_orderid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ti_sku column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ti_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ti_category column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent useragent column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent br_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent br_family column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent br_version column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent br_type column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent br_renderengine column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent br_lang column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent br_colordepth column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent os_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent os_family column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent os_manufacturer column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent os_timezone column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent dvce_type column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent doc_charset column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent tr_currency column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent ti_currency column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent base_currency column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent geo_timezone column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent mkt_clickid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent mkt_network column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent etl_tags column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent refr_domain_userid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent domain_sessionid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent event_vendor column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent event_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent event_format column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent event_version column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ProductAnalyticsEvent event_fingerprint column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Badge id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Badge link_url column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Badge image_url column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Badge name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail U2fRegistration id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Review merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
NullConstraintChecker fail Review project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ImportExportUpload id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail X509Certificate subject_key_identifier column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail X509Certificate subject column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail X509Certificate email column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail GpgKeySubkey id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail UserCanonicalEmail user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectCiCdSetting id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectCiCdSetting project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail WebauthnRegistration user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail UserSyncedAttributesMetadata id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectFeature id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectFeature pages_access_level column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile merge_request_diff_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request_diff)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile relative_order column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile new_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile renamed_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile deleted_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile too_large column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile a_mode column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile b_mode column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile new_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffFile old_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail RedirectRoute id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail LabelPriority id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail SnippetRepository disk_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail SnippetRepository disk_path column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail UsersStarProject id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail TrendingProject id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail TrendingProject project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectStatistics id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectStatistics project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectStatistics namespace_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (namespace)
LengthConstraintChecker fail ImportFailure relation_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ImportFailure exception_class column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ImportFailure correlation_id_value column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ImportFailure exception_message column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail ImportFailure source column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffCommit merge_request_diff_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request_diff)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffCommit relative_order column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiffCommit sha column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectImportData id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail IssueAssignee user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (assignee)
NullConstraintChecker fail IssueAssignee issue_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (issue)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail PagesDomain id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile sha column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile relative_order column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile new_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile renamed_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile deleted_file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile too_large column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile a_mode column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile a_mode column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile b_mode column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile b_mode column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile new_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile old_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommitDiffFile merge_request_context_commit_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request_context_commit)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail PrometheusMetric id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail DeployKeysProject id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Suggestion relative_order column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Suggestion from_content column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Suggestion to_content column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectAutoDevops id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ProjectAutoDevops project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectGroupLink id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Upload id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail Upload path column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Upload checksum column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail DeploymentCluster deployment_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail DeploymentCluster kubernetes_namespace column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ChatTeam id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ChatTeam namespace_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (namespace)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Timelog id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail LfsFileLock id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail LfsFileLock path column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Member id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Member access_level column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Member notification_level column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail RepositoryLanguage programming_language_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (programming_language)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail LfsObject id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail LfsObject size column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail TermAgreement id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectCustomAttribute id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectDeployToken id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequestDiff id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequestDiff merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail UserCustomAttribute id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail SentNotification id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail PersonalAccessToken id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail PersonalAccessToken user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user)
NullConstraintChecker fail PersonalAccessToken name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Identity id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectMetricsSetting project_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequestsClosingIssues id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail IssueEmailParticipant email column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail GroupCustomAttribute id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail LabelLink id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail DraftNote note column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail GpgSignature id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectSetting project_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail PagesDomainAcmeOrder encrypted_private_key column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail PagesDomainAcmeOrder encrypted_private_key_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail SystemNoteMetadata id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail GrafanaIntegration encrypted_token column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail GrafanaIntegration encrypted_token_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail GrafanaIntegration encrypted_token_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail GrafanaIntegration grafana_url column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail WebHook id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectRepositoryState id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail NamespaceStatistics id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail SamlProvider id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail SamlProvider enabled column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail BoardLabel id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ScimOauthAccessToken id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ScimOauthAccessToken token_encrypted column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeTrain merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeTrain user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeTrain target_project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (target_project)
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeTrain target_branch column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail SoftwareLicense id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ElasticsearchIndexedNamespace namespace_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail GitlabSubscriptionHistory gitlab_subscription_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail HistoricalData id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail GroupDeletionSchedule user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (deleting_user)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail NamespaceLimit namespace_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail BoardAssignee id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ApproverGroup id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail ApproverGroup target_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (target)
NullConstraintChecker fail ApproverGroup target_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (target)
NullConstraintChecker fail UserPermissionExportUpload user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Insight id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Insight namespace_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (group)
NullConstraintChecker fail Insight project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail LdapGroupLink id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ElasticsearchIndexedProject project_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail AllowedEmailDomain domain column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail FeatureFlagIssue feature_flag_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (feature_flag)
NullConstraintChecker fail FeatureFlagIssue issue_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (issue)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail SlackIntegration id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail ScimIdentity extern_uid column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DastSite url column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRuleSource approval_merge_request_rule_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (approval_merge_request_rule)
NullConstraintChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRuleSource approval_project_rule_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (approval_project_rule)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail SoftwareLicensePolicy id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Approver id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Approver target_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (target)
NullConstraintChecker fail ApprovalProjectRulesProtectedBranch approval_project_rule_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ApprovalProjectRulesProtectedBranch protected_branch_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail IndexStatus id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail GeoNodeNamespaceLink id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail GeoNodeNamespaceLink geo_node_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (geo_node)
NullConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlag active column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlag iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ApplicationSetting::Term id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::BuildInfo package_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (package)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Packages::Tag name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::PackageFileBuildInfo package_file_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (package_file)
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Event event_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Event event_scope column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Event originator_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest::Metrics id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequest::Metrics merge_request_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (merge_request)
NullConstraintChecker fail Terraform::StateVersion version column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Terraform::StateVersion file_store column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Terraform::StateVersion file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Users::CreditCardValidation credit_card_validated_at column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Users::UserFollowUser follower_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (follower)
NullConstraintChecker fail Users::UserFollowUser followee_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (followee)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Serverless::DomainCluster uuid column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail Serverless::DomainCluster encrypted_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Projects::ProjectTopic project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Projects::ProjectTopic topic_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (topic)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace::AggregationSchedule namespace_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace::RootStorageStatistics namespace_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_issues column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_issues column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_notes column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_notes column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_milestones column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_milestones column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_boards column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_boards column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_merge_requests column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_merge_requests column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_ci_pipelines column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_ci_pipelines column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_environments column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_environments column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_deployments column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_deployments column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_projects_prometheus_active column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_projects_prometheus_active column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric leader_service_desk_issues column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail DevOpsReport::Metric instance_service_desk_issues column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail BulkImports::ExportUpload export_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (export)
NullConstraintChecker fail BulkImports::Failure pipeline_class column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail BulkImports::Failure exception_class column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail BulkImports::Failure exception_message column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail DependencyProxy::GroupSetting id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail DependencyProxy::Blob id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Aws::Role user_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Aws::Role role_external_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Alerting::ProjectAlertingSetting project_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Alerting::ProjectAlertingSetting encrypted_token column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Alerting::ProjectAlertingSetting encrypted_token_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail IncidentManagement::ProjectIncidentManagementSetting project_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail WikiPage::Slug id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail WikiPage::Slug wiki_page_meta_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (wiki_page_meta)
NullConstraintChecker fail WikiPage::Slug slug column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ErrorTracking::ProjectErrorTrackingSetting project_id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Issue::Metrics id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Issue::Metrics issue_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (issue)
NullConstraintChecker fail LooseForeignKeys::DeletedRecord partition column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail LooseForeignKeys::DeletedRecord primary_key_value column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail LooseForeignKeys::DeletedRecord fully_qualified_table_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Project id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Project project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Project cluster_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (cluster)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Group id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Group cluster_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (cluster)
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Group group_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (group)
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::KubernetesNamespace cluster_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (cluster)
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::RepositoryUpdatedEvent branches_affected column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::RepositoryUpdatedEvent tags_affected column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::RepositoryUpdatedEvent source column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::RepositoryDeletedEvent repository_storage_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::RepositoryDeletedEvent deleted_path column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::RepositoryDeletedEvent deleted_project_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::Event replicable_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Geo::Event replicable_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Geo::Event event_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Geo::Event event_name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail ProtectedBranch::RequiredCodeOwnersSection protected_branch_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (protected_branch)
NullConstraintChecker fail ProtectedBranch::RequiredCodeOwnersSection name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail RequirementsManagement::Requirement iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Elastic::IndexSetting alias_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Elastic::ReindexingSubtask elastic_reindexing_task_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (elastic_reindexing_task)
NullConstraintChecker fail Elastic::ReindexingSubtask alias_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Elastic::ReindexingSlice elastic_reindexing_subtask_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (elastic_reindexing_subtask)
NullConstraintChecker fail Dast::SiteProfileSecretVariable encrypted_value column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Dast::SiteProfileSecretVariable encrypted_value_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference board_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (board)
NullConstraintChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference user_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user)
NullConstraintChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference epic_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (epic)
NullConstraintChecker fail Security::Finding severity column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Security::Finding confidence column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail MergeRequests::ExternalStatusCheck project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
LengthConstraintChecker fail StatusPage::ProjectSetting aws_region column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail StatusPage::ProjectSetting aws_access_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail StatusPage::ProjectSetting encrypted_aws_secret_key column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail StatusPage::ProjectSetting encrypted_aws_secret_key_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail StatusPage::ProjectSetting encrypted_aws_secret_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Feedback id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
LengthConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Feedback project_fingerprint column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature algorithm_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature signature_sha column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Flag origin column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Flag description column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Epic::Metrics id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Epic::Metrics epic_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (epic)
NullConstraintChecker fail Dora::DailyMetrics environment_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (environment)
NullConstraintChecker fail Dora::DailyMetrics date column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList iid column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::StrategyUserList strategy_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (strategy)
NullConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::StrategyUserList user_list_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (user_list)
NullConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::Scope strategy_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (strategy)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::Scope environment_scope column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy feature_flag_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (feature_flag)
LengthConstraintChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Composer::CacheFile file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Composer::CacheFile file_sha256 column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectDistributionKey encrypted_private_key column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectDistributionKey encrypted_private_key_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectDistributionKey encrypted_passphrase column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectDistributionKey encrypted_passphrase_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupDistributionKey encrypted_private_key column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupDistributionKey encrypted_private_key_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupDistributionKey encrypted_passphrase column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupDistributionKey encrypted_passphrase_iv column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupComponentFile file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectComponentFile file column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage project_value_stream_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (value_stream)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Gcp id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Gcp cluster_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (cluster)
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Gcp gcp_project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws cluster_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (cluster)
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws status column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws key_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws role_arn column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws region column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws vpc_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws vpc_id column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws security_group_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws instance_type column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws access_key_id column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws encrypted_secret_access_key_iv column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Agents::GroupAuthorization config column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Clusters::Agents::ProjectAuthorization config column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
LengthConstraintChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage name column has limit in the database but do not have length validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage group_value_stream_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (value_stream)
NullConstraintChecker fail Analytics::LanguageTrend::RepositoryLanguage programming_language_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (programming_language)
NullConstraintChecker fail Analytics::LanguageTrend::RepositoryLanguage project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail Analytics::LanguageTrend::RepositoryLanguage snapshot_date column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail AppSec::Fuzzing::Coverage::Corpus project_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (project)
NullConstraintChecker fail AppSec::Fuzzing::Coverage::Corpus package_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (package)
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Doorkeeper::AccessGrant id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Doorkeeper::AccessToken id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Doorkeeper::Application id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Doorkeeper::Application redirect_uri column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect::Request id column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
PrimaryKeyTypeChecker fail ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration version column has int/serial type but recommended to have bigint/bigserial/uuid
NullConstraintChecker fail Postgresql::DetachedPartition drop_after column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Postgresql::DetachedPartition table_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::Reindexing::QueuedAction index_identifier column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (index)
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::Reindexing::ReindexAction action_start column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::Reindexing::ReindexAction ondisk_size_bytes_start column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::Reindexing::ReindexAction index_identifier column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (index)
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigrationJob class_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigrationJob arguments column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob batched_background_migration_id column is required in the database but do not have presence validator for association (batched_migration)
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob min_value column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob max_value column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob batch_size column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob sub_batch_size column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration max_value column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration batch_size column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration sub_batch_size column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration interval column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration job_class_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration table_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
NullConstraintChecker fail Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration column_name column is required in the database but do not have presence validator
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Trigger token model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::RunnerProject runner_id+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Minutes::AdditionalPack purchase_xid model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Project name+namespace_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail User public_email model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail GeoNode lower(name) model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail GeoNode primary model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Alert rule_id+alert_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue rule_id+issue_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail WorkItem::Type lower(name)+namespace_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IssueLink source+target_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Package name+project_id+version+package_type model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel group_id+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel user_id+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel access_level+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel group_id+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel user_id+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel access_level+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel access_level+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel deploy_key_id+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::UnprotectAccessLevel group_id+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::UnprotectAccessLevel user_id+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedBranch::UnprotectAccessLevel access_level+protected_branch_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedTag::CreateAccessLevel group_id+protected_tag_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedTag::CreateAccessLevel user_id+protected_tag_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedTag::CreateAccessLevel access_level+protected_tag_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail CustomEmoji name+namespace_id+name model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ApprovalProjectRule name+project_id+rule_type model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ApprovalProjectRule rule_type+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRule name+merge_request_id+rule_type+section model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail DesignManagement::Version lower(sha)+issue_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IssuableSeverity issue model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail EpicIssue issue model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail AwardEmoji name+user_id+awardable_type+awardable_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail List user_id+board_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail List milestone_id+board_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail List iteration_id+board_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::IssueLink vulnerability_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::ExternalIssueLink vulnerability_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Releases::Link filepath+release_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallParticipant user+oncall_rotation_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationRule oncall_schedule_id+policy_id+status+elapsed_time_seconds model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationRule user_id+policy_id+status+elapsed_time_seconds model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail PathLock path+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::PackageFile file_name+package_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Label title+group_id+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Analytics::DevopsAdoption::EnabledNamespace namespace+display_namespace_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail LfsObjectsProject lfs_object_id+project_id+repository_type model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Route lower(path) model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestAssignee assignee+merge_request_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail AbuseReport user_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommit sha model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail JiraImportState project model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail GpgKey key model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail RedirectRoute lower(path) model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IssueAssignee assignee+issue_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail PagesDomain lower(domain) model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail DeployKeysProject deploy_key_id+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectGroupLink group_id+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ChatTeam namespace model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Member user_id+source_type+source_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Member user_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Member invite_email+source_type+source_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail RepositoryLanguage programming_language+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestDiff merge_request_id+diff_type model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Identity lower(extern_uid)+provider+saml_provider_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Identity user+provider+saml_provider_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Identity lower(secondary_extern_uid)+provider+saml_provider_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail JiraConnectSubscription namespace+jira_connect_installation_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestsClosingIssues merge_request_id+issue_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail SentryIssue issue model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail DraftNote author_id+merge_request_id+discussion_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectAuthorization user+project_id+access_level model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectRepositoryState project model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail GroupWikiRepository group model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ElasticsearchIndexedNamespace namespace_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail LdapGroupLink cn+group_id+provider model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail LdapGroupLink filter+group_id+provider model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail UsersSecurityDashboardProject project_id+user_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ElasticsearchIndexedProject project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestBlock blocked_merge_request+blocking_merge_request_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail ScimIdentity user+group_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail SoftwareLicensePolicy software_license+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertAssignee assignee+alert_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Users::BannedUser user_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Serverless::DomainCluster uuid model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Atlassian::Identity user model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::IssuableEscalationStatus issue model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail WikiPage::Slug canonical+wiki_page_meta_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail GitlabSubscriptions::UpcomingReconciliation namespace model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardPosition epic+epic_board_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference user+board_id+epic_id model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail Security::OrchestrationPolicyConfiguration project model should have proper unique index in the database
MissingUniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule name+project_id model should have proper unique index in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging tag should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Runner taggings associated model key (taggable_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Runner tag_taggings associated model key (taggable_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail CommitStatus user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::Build runner should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::Build trigger_request should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::Build erased_by should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Ci::Build report_results associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Ci::Build pages_deployments associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Ci::Build trace_metadata associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::Bridge trigger_request should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::Pipeline user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline package_file_build_infos associated model key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline pipeline_config associated model key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline daily_build_group_report_results associated model key (last_pipeline_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline pipeline_artifacts associated model key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline security_scans associated model key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline dast_profiles_pipeline associated model key (ci_pipeline_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Pipeline source_project associated model key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::ResourceGroup project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::TriggerRequest pipeline should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Ci::TriggerRequest builds associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult last_pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (last_pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Ref project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PendingBuild project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PendingBuild namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PipelineConfig pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::UnitTest project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::RunningBuild project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::RunningBuild runner associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (runner_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PipelineArtifact project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::PipelineArtifact pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::FreezePeriod project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::BuildReportResult project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::RunnerProject runner should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline project associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (project_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline source_project associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (source_project_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::JobToken::ProjectScopeLink source_project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (source_project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::JobToken::ProjectScopeLink target_project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (target_project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::JobToken::ProjectScopeLink added_by associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (added_by_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Sources::Project pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Subscriptions::Project downstream_project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (downstream_project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Subscriptions::Project upstream_project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (upstream_project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Minutes::AdditionalPack namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Ci::Minutes::NamespaceMonthlyUsage namespace should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Minutes::NamespaceMonthlyUsage namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Ci::Minutes::ProjectMonthlyUsage project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ApplicationSetting self_monitoring_project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (instance_administration_project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ApplicationSetting push_rule associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (push_rule_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project project_topics associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Project creator should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project project_namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project debian_distributions associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project export_jobs associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project bulk_import_exports associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Project incident_management_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Project error_tracking_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Project metrics_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project grafana_integration associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Project alerting_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Project service_desk_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project service_desk_setting associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Project merge_request_metrics associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project iterations associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Project repository_languages associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project cluster_agents associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project self_managed_prometheus_alert_events associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project metrics_users_starred_dashboards associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project alert_management_alerts associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project alert_management_http_integrations associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project container_expiration_policy associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project ci_refs associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project pending_builds associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project build_report_results associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project pipeline_artifacts associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project resource_groups associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project freeze_periods associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project cycle_analytics_stages associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project value_streams associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project external_pull_requests associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project import_failures associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project jira_imports associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project daily_build_group_report_results associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project ci_feature_usages associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project repository_storage_moves associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project terraform_states associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project pages_metadatum associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project pages_deployments associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project operations_feature_flags_user_lists associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project error_tracking_errors associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project error_tracking_client_keys associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Project mirror_user should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Project project_registry associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project status_page_setting associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project compliance_framework_setting associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Project security_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project security_setting associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project vulnerability_statistic associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project external_status_checks associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project vulnerabilities associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project vulnerability_historical_statistics associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project vulnerability_exports associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project vulnerability_remediations associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project dast_site_profiles associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project dast_site_tokens associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project dast_sites associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project upstream_project_subscriptions associated model key (downstream_project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project downstream_project_subscriptions associated model key (upstream_project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project sourced_pipelines associated model key (source_project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project incident_management_oncall_schedules associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project incident_management_escalation_policies associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project security_orchestration_policy_configuration associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Project security_scans associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Snippet author should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Snippet snippet_repository associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Snippet snippet_repository associated model key (snippet_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Snippet repository_storage_moves associated model key (snippet_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Snippet statistics associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Snippet statistics associated model key (snippet_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Namespace namespace_settings associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace pending_builds associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace onboarding_progress associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Namespace owner should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Namespace parent should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace custom_emoji associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Namespace package_setting_relation associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace package_setting_relation associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace admin_note associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Namespace namespace_limit associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Namespace elasticsearch_indexed_namespace associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace upcoming_reconciliation associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace ci_minutes_additional_packs associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group integrations associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group shared_group_links associated model key (shared_with_group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group shared_with_group_links associated model key (shared_group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group daily_build_group_report_results associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group import_export_upload associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group import_state associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group bulk_import_exports associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group group_deploy_keys_groups associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group group_deploy_tokens associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Group dependency_proxy_image_ttl_policy associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group dependency_proxy_image_ttl_policy associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group dependency_proxy_manifests associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group debian_distributions associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group group_callouts associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group epic_boards associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group iterations associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group iterations_cadences associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group scim_identities associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group protected_environments associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group external_audit_event_destinations associated model key (namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Group ldap_group_links associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group saml_group_links associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group provisioned_user_details associated model key (provisioned_by_group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group cycle_analytics_stages associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group value_streams associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Group group_merge_request_approval_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group group_merge_request_approval_setting associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Group deletion_schedule associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group deletion_schedule associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Group group_wiki_repository associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group group_wiki_repository associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group repository_storage_moves associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group epic_board_recent_visits associated model key (group_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Group push_rule associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (push_rule_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespaces::ProjectNamespace project associated model key (project_namespace_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Plan limits associated model key (plan_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User group_deploy_keys associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User webauthn_registrations associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail User followed_users associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail User project_authorizations associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail User subscriptions associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail User reported_abuse_reports associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User merge_request_reviewers associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail User created_custom_emoji associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User group_callouts associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User metrics_users_starred_dashboards associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User user_detail associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User user_highest_role associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User user_canonical_email associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail User credit_card_validation associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User credit_card_validation associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail User atlassian_identity associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User atlassian_identity associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail User banned_user associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User banned_user associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User in_product_marketing_emails associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User test_reports associated model key (author_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User boards_epic_user_preferences associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User epic_board_recent_visits associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User users_security_dashboard_projects associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User scim_identities associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User board_preferences associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User user_permission_export_uploads associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User oncall_participants associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail User escalation_rules associated model key (user_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail GeoNode oauth_application should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail AuditEvent user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IncidentManagement::PendingEscalations::Issue issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImport configuration associated model key (bulk_import_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImports::Entity project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImports::Entity group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Key user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DeployToken group_deploy_tokens associated model key (deploy_token_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Deployment user should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Deployment deployment_merge_requests associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Deployment deployment_cluster associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Event group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
MissingIndexChecker fail Event push_event_payload associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Issue last_edited_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue resource_milestone_events associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue resource_state_events associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Issue issue_assignees associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Issue issue_email_participants associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue issue_email_participants associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue zoom_meetings associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Issue sent_notifications associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue design_versions associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue issuable_severity associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue sentry_issue associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue alert_management_alert associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue incident_management_issuable_escalation_status associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue issue_customer_relations_contacts associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue resource_weight_events associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue resource_iteration_events associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue test_reports associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue requirement associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue status_page_published_incident associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue issuable_sla associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue metric_images associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue vulnerability_links associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue feature_flag_issues associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issue pending_escalations associated model key (issue_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail WorkItem::Type namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
MissingIndexChecker fail Milestone milestone_releases associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Milestone milestone_releases associated model key (milestone_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail MergeRequest last_edited_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest resource_milestone_events associated model key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest resource_state_events associated model key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest merge_request_context_commits associated model key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest cleanup_schedule associated model key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest merge_request_reviewers associated model key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest resource_iteration_events associated model key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest status_check_responses associated model key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Note resolved_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Note author should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Note updated_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Note last_edited_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Note diff_note_positions associated model key (note_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail WikiPage::Meta project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail WikiPage::Meta slugs associated model key (wiki_page_meta_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DesignManagement::Design notes associated model key (noteable_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DesignManagement::Design user_mentions associated model key (design_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DesignManagement::Design events associated model key (target_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Iteration project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Iteration group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Iteration iterations_cadence associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (iterations_cadence_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Environment metrics_dashboard_annotations associated model key (environment_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Environment self_managed_prometheus_alert_events associated model key (environment_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Environment dora_daily_metrics associated model key (environment_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster provider_aws associated model key (cluster_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Clusters::Cluster integration_prometheus associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster integration_prometheus associated model key (cluster_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Clusters::Cluster integration_elastic_stack associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster integration_elastic_stack associated model key (cluster_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster application_crossplane associated model key (cluster_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster application_elastic_stack associated model key (cluster_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster application_cilium associated model key (cluster_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Cluster metrics_dashboard_annotations associated model key (cluster_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Crossplane cluster associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (cluster_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Knative serverless_domain_cluster associated model key (clusters_applications_knative_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::ElasticStack cluster associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (cluster_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Cilium cluster associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (cluster_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Epic milestone should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Epic updated_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Epic last_edited_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Epic boards_epic_user_preferences associated model key (epic_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Epic epic_board_positions associated model key (epic_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability award_emoji associated model key (awardable_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability milestone associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (milestone_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability epic associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (epic_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability author associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (author_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability updated_by associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (updated_by_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability last_edited_by associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (last_edited_by_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability resolved_by associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (resolved_by_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability dismissed_by associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (dismissed_by_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability confirmed_by associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (confirmed_by_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerability notes associated model key (noteable_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail NotificationSetting project should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::Package tags associated model key (package_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
MissingIndexChecker fail Packages::Package pypi_metadatum associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Packages::Package nuget_metadatum associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Packages::Package rubygems_metadatum associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::Package build_infos associated model key (package_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedBranch required_code_owners_sections associated model key (protected_branch_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Integration zentao_tracker_data associated model key (integration_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Integration group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Todo issue should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Export project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Export author associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (author_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IssuableMetricImage uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IssuableMetricImage file_uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IssuableMetricImage issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail CustomEmoji namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail CustomEmoji group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail CustomEmoji creator associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (creator_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Security::Scan project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Security::Scan pipeline should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Security::Scan pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Dast::Profile project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DastSiteProfile project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Dast::ProfileSchedule project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Dast::ProfileSchedule owner associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequestReviewer merge_request associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequestReviewer reviewer associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DesignManagement::Action uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DesignManagement::Action file_uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DesignManagement::Version issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AlertManagement::Alert project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AlertManagement::Alert issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AlertManagement::Alert notes associated model key (noteable_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AlertManagement::Alert ordered_notes associated model key (noteable_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IssuableSeverity issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail AwardEmoji user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Iterations::Cadence group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Iterations::Cadence iterations associated model key (iterations_cadence_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Board milestone should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Board iteration should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Board user_preferences associated model key (board_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Board boards_epic_user_preferences associated model key (board_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail List list_user_preferences associated model key (list_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicBoard group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicList label associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (label_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::IssueLink issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::ExternalIssueLink author associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (author_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Statistic project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Statistic pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (latest_pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AlertManagement::HttpIntegration project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Release milestone_releases associated model key (release_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Release evidences associated model key (release_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Releases::Evidence release associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (release_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ContainerExpirationPolicy project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::AgentToken created_by_user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (created_by_user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallParticipant user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationPolicy project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationRule user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationRule user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail PushRule group associated model key (push_rule_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
MissingIndexChecker fail Packages::PackageFile debian_file_metadatum associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Label epic_board_labels associated model key (label_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Label epic_lists associated model key (label_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Agent created_by_user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (created_by_user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Agent project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail CustomerRelations::Organization group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail CustomerRelations::Contact group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Metrics::Dashboard::Annotation environment associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (environment_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Metrics::Dashboard::Annotation cluster associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (cluster_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Terraform::State project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Terraform::State locked_by_user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (locked_by_user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DastSiteToken project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AuditEvents::ExternalAuditEventDestination group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupDeployKeysGroup group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Approval user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail PlanLimits plan associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (plan_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ResourceStateEvent issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ResourceStateEvent merge_request associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ResourceStateEvent source_merge_request associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (source_merge_request_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ResourceMilestoneEvent milestone associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (milestone_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ResourceWeightEvent issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MilestoneRelease milestone associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (milestone_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MilestoneRelease release associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (release_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectExportJob project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ServiceDeskSetting project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ServiceDeskSetting file_template_project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (file_template_project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AuthenticationEvent user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ExternalPullRequest project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DesignUserMention design associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (design_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertUserMention note associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (note_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail SpamLog user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail ChatName user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Subscription user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ZoomMeeting project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ZoomMeeting issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail AbuseReport reporter should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail AbuseReport user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UserHighestRole user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommit merge_request associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail JiraImportState project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail JiraImportState user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail JiraImportState label associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (label_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupImportState group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupImportState user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent environment associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (environment_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DiffNotePosition note associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (note_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectPagesMetadatum project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ImportExportUpload group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UserCanonicalEmail user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail WebauthnRegistration user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail SnippetRepository shard associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (shard_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail SnippetRepository snippet associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (snippet_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail UsersStarProject user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail ProjectStatistics namespace should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail ImportFailure project should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ImportFailure project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail MergeRequestDiffCommit commit_author should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail MergeRequestDiffCommit committer should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupDeployToken group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupDeployToken deploy_token associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (deploy_token_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ExperimentSubject user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ExperimentSubject namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ExperimentSubject project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail PagesDomain serverless_domain_clusters associated model key (pages_domain_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ListUserPreference user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ListUserPreference list associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (list_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail DeployKeysProject deploy_key should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail ProjectGroupLink group should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Timelog user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Member created_by should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Member member_task associated model key (member_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail GroupMember group should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail ProjectMember project should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail RepositoryLanguage programming_language should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail MergeRequestDiff merge_request_diff_files associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail MergeRequestDiff merge_request_diff_commits associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequestDiff merge_request_diff_detail associated model key (merge_request_diff_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail PagesDeployment project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail SentNotification project should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail SentNotification recipient should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Identity user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IssueEmailParticipant issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail SentryIssue issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ExperimentUser user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail X509CommitSignature project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail OnboardingProgress namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectSetting push_rule associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (push_rule_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail SnippetStatistics snippet associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (snippet_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UserDetail user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UserDetail provisioned_by_group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (provisioned_by_group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupGroupLink shared_group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (shared_group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupGroupLink shared_with_group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (shared_with_group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GrafanaIntegration project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MemberTask member associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (member_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MemberTask project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IssuableSla issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupWikiRepository shard associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (shard_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupWikiRepository group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupDeletionSchedule group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupDeletionSchedule deleting_user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UserPermissionExportUpload uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UserPermissionExportUpload file_uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UserPermissionExportUpload user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail LdapGroupLink group should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail SamlGroupLink group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UsersSecurityDashboardProject project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail UsersSecurityDashboardProject user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ProjectSecuritySetting project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail FeatureFlagIssue issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ScimIdentity group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ScimIdentity user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DastSite project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GroupMergeRequestApprovalSetting group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Approver user should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequestDiffDetail merge_request_diff associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (merge_request_diff_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BoardUserPreference user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BoardUserPreference board associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (board_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issues::CsvImport project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Issues::CsvImport user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::BuildInfo package associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (package_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Packages::BuildInfo pipeline should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::Tag package associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (package_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Packages::PackageFileBuildInfo pipeline should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::PackageFileBuildInfo pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequest::CleanupSchedule merge_request associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Terraform::StateVersion created_by_user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (created_by_user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Terraform::StateVersion build should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertAssignee assignee associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Snippets::RepositoryStorageMove container associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (snippet_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Users::BannedUser user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Users::CreditCardValidation user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Users::GroupCallout user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Users::GroupCallout group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Users::InProductMarketingEmail user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Serverless::DomainCluster pages_domain associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (pages_domain_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Serverless::DomainCluster knative associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (clusters_applications_knative_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Serverless::DomainCluster creator associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (creator_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Projects::RepositoryStorageMove container associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Projects::CiFeatureUsage project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Projects::ProjectTopic project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace::AdminNote namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Namespace::PackageSetting namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail CustomerRelations::IssueContact issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImports::Export project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImports::Export group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImports::ExportUpload uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImports::ExportUpload file_uploads associated model key (model_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail BulkImports::Configuration bulk_import associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (bulk_import_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DependencyProxy::ImageTtlGroupPolicy group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail DependencyProxy::Manifest group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Atlassian::Identity user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IncidentManagement::IssuableEscalationStatus issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail WikiPage::Slug wiki_page_meta associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (wiki_page_meta_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Metrics::UsersStarredDashboard user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Metrics::UsersStarredDashboard project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Integrations::ZentaoTrackerData integration associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (integration_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ErrorTracking::Error project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ErrorTracking::ClientKey project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::KubernetesNamespace environment associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (environment_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Integrations::Prometheus cluster associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (cluster_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Integrations::ElasticStack cluster associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (cluster_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail RequirementsManagement::TestReport author associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (author_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail RequirementsManagement::TestReport requirement_issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Geo::UploadDeletedEvent upload should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Geo::JobArtifactDeletedEvent job_artifact should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Geo::RepositoryDeletedEvent project should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Geo::Event geo_event_log associated model key (geo_event_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Geo::EventLog hashed_storage_attachments_event should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Geo::EventLog geo_event associated model key (id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (geo_event_id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ProtectedBranch::RequiredCodeOwnersSection protected_branch associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (protected_branch_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail RequirementsManagement::Requirement requirement_issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail GitlabSubscriptions::UpcomingReconciliation namespace associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (namespace_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Dast::ProfilesPipeline ci_pipeline associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (ci_pipeline_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Groups::RepositoryStorageMove container associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardPosition epic associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (epic_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardLabel label associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (label_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicListUserPreference user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardRecentVisit user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardRecentVisit group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference board associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (board_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference epic associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (epic_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Security::OrchestrationPolicyRuleSchedule owner associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Security::OrchestrationPolicyConfiguration project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Security::OrchestrationPolicyConfiguration security_policy_management_project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (security_policy_management_project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequests::StatusCheckResponse merge_request associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (merge_request_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail MergeRequests::ExternalStatusCheck project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail StatusPage::PublishedIncident issue associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (issue_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail StatusPage::ProjectSetting project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::HistoricalStatistic project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Remediation project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Dora::DailyMetrics environment associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (environment_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupDistribution group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupDistribution creator associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (creator_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectDistribution project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectDistribution creator associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (creator_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectValueStream project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage start_event_label associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (start_event_label_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage end_event_label associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (end_event_label_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws cluster associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (cluster_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Agents::GroupAuthorization group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Clusters::Agents::ProjectAuthorization project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail ComplianceManagement::ComplianceFramework::ProjectSettings project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupValueStream group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage start_event_label associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (start_event_label_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage end_event_label associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (end_event_label_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage group associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (group_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::LanguageTrend::RepositoryLanguage programming_language associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (programming_language_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail Analytics::LanguageTrend::RepositoryLanguage project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AppSec::Fuzzing::Coverage::Corpus user associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (user_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail AppSec::Fuzzing::Coverage::Corpus project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyChecker fail Doorkeeper::AccessGrant application should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail OauthAccessGrant resource_owner should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail OauthAccessGrant application should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Doorkeeper::AccessToken application should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail OauthAccessToken resource_owner should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail OauthAccessToken application should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Doorkeeper::Application access_grants associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Gitlab::Database::Reindexing::QueuedAction index should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Gitlab::Database::Reindexing::ReindexAction index should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillProjectRepositories::Namespace parent should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillProjectRepositories::Namespace route associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillProjectRepositories::Namespace namespaces associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillProjectRepositories::Project route associated model should have proper index in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::MigrateDevopsSegmentsToGroups::AdoptionSegment selections associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::RemoveInaccessibleEpicTodos::Todo epic should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::CreateSecuritySetting::Project security_setting associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::CreateSecuritySetting::Project security_setting associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::CreateSecuritySetting::ProjectSecuritySetting project associated model key (id) with type (integer) mismatches key (project_id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::RemoveDuplicateCsFindings::Vulnerability notes associated model key (noteable_id) with type (integer) mismatches key (id) with type (bigint)
ForeignKeyTypeChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PopulateResolvedOnDefaultBranchColumn::Project vulnerabilities associated model key (project_id) with type (bigint) mismatches key (id) with type (integer)
ForeignKeyChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PopulateResolvedOnDefaultBranchColumn::Namespace parent should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::FixPagesAccessLevel::Namespace parent should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PopulateLatestPipelineIds::Namespace parent should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::ExtractProjectTopicsIntoSeparateTable::Tagging tag should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail EE::Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::MigrateApproverToApprovalRules::Approver user should have foreign key in the database
MissingIndexChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::UserMentions::Models::User project_authorizations associated model should have proper index in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::UserMentions::Models::Namespace parent should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::UserMentions::Models::Note author should have foreign key in the database
ForeignKeyChecker fail Namespace parent should have foreign key in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging context column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging tag_id column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag name column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::PipelineSchedule description column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::Trigger token column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::PendingBuild namespace association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::PipelineArtifact file column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline pipeline association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline source_project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline source_job association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Ci::Sources::Pipeline source_pipeline association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting uuid column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting container_registry_token_expire_delay column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting repository_storages column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting gitaly_timeout_default column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting gitaly_timeout_medium column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting gitaly_timeout_fast column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting repository_size_limit column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ApplicationSetting geo_node_allowed_ips column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Project name column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Project path column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Snippet title column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Snippet content column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail User email column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail User name column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail User username column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GeoNode access_key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GeoNode encrypted_secret_access_key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes api_url column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail BulkImports::Entity destination_namespace column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Key title column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Key key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Key fingerprint column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GroupDeployKey title column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GroupDeployKey user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Issue author association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Issue title column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Issue project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail MergeRequest author association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail MergeRequest title column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Note note column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Note noteable_type column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Note author association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Note discussion_id column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Iteration start_date column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Iteration due_date column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Knative hostname column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Integration type column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment::DeployAccessLevel access_level column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail DesignManagement::Version author association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail AwardEmoji user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail AwardEmoji name column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail List board column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail List list_type column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Release project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Release tag column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Clusters::AgentToken name column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail PathLock project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail PathLock user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Label title column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Analytics::DevopsAdoption::EnabledNamespace namespace association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ResourceIterationEvent user column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail RemoteMirror url column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail SpamLog user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Subscription user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Subscription subscribable association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ZoomMeeting project column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ZoomMeeting issue column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ZoomMeeting url column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail PrometheusAlertEvent status column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail AbuseReport reporter association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail AbuseReport user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail AbuseReport message column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GroupImportState user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail SelfManagedPrometheusAlertEvent payload_key column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail BoardProjectRecentVisit user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail BoardProjectRecentVisit project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail BoardProjectRecentVisit board association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GpgKey user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GpgKey key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GpgKeySubkey fingerprint column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GpgKeySubkey keyid column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail LabelPriority label column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ProjectImportData project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail PagesDomain verification_code column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Suggestion note column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Upload model association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail ChatTeam team_id column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Timelog user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail LfsFileLock path column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail PagesDeployment size column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail SentNotification recipient association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Identity provider column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail PoolRepository source_project association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail BoardGroupRecentVisit user association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail BoardGroupRecentVisit group association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail BoardGroupRecentVisit board association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail JiraConnectInstallation client_key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail JiraConnectInstallation base_url column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail SentryIssue issue column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail DraftNote author_id column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GpgSignature commit_sha column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GpgSignature project_id column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GpgSignature gpg_key_primary_keyid column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail SystemNoteMetadata note column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail HistoricalData recorded_at column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail LdapGroupLink provider column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GitlabSubscription seats column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GitlabSubscription start_date column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail GitlabSubscription namespace_id column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Snippets::RepositoryStorageMove source_storage_name column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Snippets::RepositoryStorageMove destination_storage_name column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Projects::RepositoryStorageMove source_storage_name column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Projects::RepositoryStorageMove destination_storage_name column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Clusters::KubernetesNamespace service_account_name column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail RequirementsManagement::Requirement author association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Groups::RepositoryStorageMove source_storage_name column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Groups::RepositoryStorageMove destination_storage_name column is required but there is possible null value insert
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Security::Finding uuid column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation finding association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation remediation association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule timezone column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Packages::Composer::CacheFile namespace association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::StageEventHash hash_sha256 column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Analytics::DevopsAdoption::Snapshot namespace association foreign key column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Finding::Evidence::SupportingMessage name column should be required in the database
ColumnPresenceChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Finding::Evidence::Response reason_phrase column should be required in the database
UniqueIndexChecker fail Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Feature index_features_on_key index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Gate index_feature_gates_on_feature_key_and_key_and_value index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging index_taggings_on_tag_id index is redundant as (taggings_idx) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag index_tags_on_name_trigram index is redundant as (index_tags_on_name) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Ci::Runner index_ci_runners_on_contacted_at_and_id_desc index is redundant as (index_ci_runners_on_contacted_at_desc_and_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Ci::Runner index_ci_runners_on_contacted_at_desc_and_id_desc index is redundant as (index_ci_runners_on_contacted_at_and_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Ci::Runner index_ci_runners_on_created_at_and_id_desc index is redundant as (index_ci_runners_on_created_at_desc_and_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Ci::Runner index_ci_runners_on_created_at_desc_and_id_desc index is redundant as (index_ci_runners_on_created_at_and_id_desc) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail CommitStatus index_ci_builds_on_token_encrypted index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail CommitStatus index_ci_builds_on_token_partial index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Pipeline index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::ResourceGroup index_ci_resource_groups_on_project_id_and_key index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::JobArtifact index_ci_job_artifacts_on_job_id_and_file_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::BuildTraceChunk index_ci_build_trace_chunks_on_build_id_and_chunk_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult index_daily_build_group_report_results_unique_columns index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Ref index_ci_refs_on_project_id_and_ref_path index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::BuildRunnerSession index_ci_builds_runner_session_on_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Resource index_ci_resources_on_resource_group_id_and_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::UnitTestFailure index_unit_test_failures_unique_columns index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::PipelineChatData index_ci_pipeline_chat_data_on_pipeline_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::PendingBuild index_ci_pending_builds_on_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::UnitTest index_ci_unit_tests_on_project_id_and_key_hash index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::PipelineVariable index_ci_pipeline_variables_on_pipeline_id_and_key index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::RunningBuild index_ci_running_builds_on_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Ci::PipelineArtifact index_ci_pipeline_artifacts_on_pipeline_id index is redundant as (index_ci_pipeline_artifacts_on_pipeline_id_and_file_type) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::PipelineArtifact index_ci_pipeline_artifacts_on_pipeline_id_and_file_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Ci::Stage index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id index is redundant as (index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id_and_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Stage index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id_and_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::BuildPendingState index_ci_build_pending_states_on_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::BuildMetadata index_ci_builds_metadata_on_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::BuildNeed index_ci_build_needs_on_build_id_and_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::JobToken::ProjectScopeLink i_ci_job_token_project_scope_links_on_source_and_target_project index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Minutes::NamespaceMonthlyUsage index_ci_namespace_monthly_usages_on_namespace_id_and_date index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Ci::Minutes::ProjectMonthlyUsage index_ci_project_monthly_usages_on_project_id_and_date index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ApplicationSetting index_application_settings_on_push_rule_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_api_created_at_id_desc index is redundant as (index_projects_on_created_at_and_id) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_api_last_activity_at_id_desc index is redundant as (index_projects_on_last_activity_at_and_id) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_api_name_id_desc index is redundant as (index_projects_on_name_and_id) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_api_path_id_desc index is redundant as (index_projects_on_path_and_id) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_api_updated_at_id_desc index is redundant as (index_projects_on_updated_at_and_id) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_created_at_and_id index is redundant as (index_projects_api_created_at_id_desc) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_id_partial_for_visibility index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_id_service_desk_enabled index is redundant as (index_service_desk_enabled_projects_on_id_creator_id_created_at) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_last_activity_at_and_id index is redundant as (index_projects_api_last_activity_at_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_name_and_id index is redundant as (index_projects_api_name_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_name_trigram index is redundant as (index_projects_api_name_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_path_and_id index is redundant as (index_projects_api_path_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_path_trigram index is redundant as (index_projects_api_path_id_desc) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_project_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Project index_projects_on_updated_at_and_id index is redundant as (index_projects_api_updated_at_id_desc) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Namespace index_btree_namespaces_traversal_ids index is redundant as (index_namespaces_on_traversal_ids) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_name_parent_id_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_name_trigram index is redundant as (index_namespaces_name_parent_id_type) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_parent_id_and_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_path index is redundant as (index_namespaces_on_path_trigram) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_path_trigram index is redundant as (index_namespaces_on_path) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_push_rule_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_runners_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_runners_token_encrypted index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Namespace index_namespaces_on_traversal_ids index is redundant as (index_btree_namespaces_traversal_ids) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Plan index_plans_on_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_confirmation_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_email_trigram index is redundant as (index_users_on_email) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_name index is redundant as (index_users_on_name_trigram) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_name_trigram index is redundant as (index_users_on_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_reset_password_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_state index is redundant as (index_users_on_state_and_user_type) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_static_object_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_unlock_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_username index is redundant as (index_users_on_username_trigram) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail User index_users_on_username_trigram index is redundant as (index_users_on_username) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Shard index_shards_on_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail GeoNode index_geo_nodes_on_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Email index_emails_on_confirmation_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes index_cluster_platforms_kubernetes_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Key index_on_deploy_keys_id_and_type_and_public index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail DeployToken index_deploy_tokens_on_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail DeployToken index_deploy_tokens_on_token_encrypted index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Deployment index_deployments_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Deployment index_deployments_on_project_id_and_status index is redundant as (index_deployments_on_project_id_and_status_and_created_at) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Event index_events_on_target_type_and_target_id_and_fingerprint index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Issue index_issues_on_author_id index is redundant as (index_issues_on_author_id_and_id_and_created_at) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Issue index_issues_on_project_id_and_external_key index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Issue index_issues_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail WorkItem::Type work_item_types_namespace_id_and_name_unique index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Milestone index_milestones_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Milestone index_milestones_on_title index is redundant as (index_milestones_on_title_trigram) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Milestone index_milestones_on_title_trigram index is redundant as (index_milestones_on_title) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequest index_merge_requests_on_target_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail MergeRequest index_merge_requests_on_title index is redundant as (index_merge_requests_on_title_trigram) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail MergeRequest index_merge_requests_on_title_trigram index is redundant as (index_merge_requests_on_title) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail DesignManagement::Design index_design_management_designs_on_iid_and_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail DesignManagement::Design index_design_management_designs_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_design_management_designs_on_iid_and_project_id) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail IssueLink index_issue_links_on_source_id index is redundant as (index_issue_links_on_source_id_and_target_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail IssueLink index_issue_links_on_source_id_and_target_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Iteration index_sprints_iterations_cadence_id index is redundant as (index_sprints_on_iterations_cadence_id_and_title) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Iteration index_sprints_on_iterations_cadence_id_and_title index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Iteration index_sprints_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Iteration index_sprints_on_project_id_and_title index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Iteration index_sprints_on_title index is redundant as (index_sprints_on_title_trigram) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Iteration index_sprints_on_title_trigram index is redundant as (index_sprints_on_title) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Helm index_clusters_applications_helm_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Ingress index_clusters_applications_ingress_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::CertManager index_clusters_applications_cert_managers_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Crossplane index_clusters_applications_crossplane_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Prometheus index_clusters_applications_prometheus_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Runner index_clusters_applications_runners_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Jupyter index_clusters_applications_jupyter_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Knative index_clusters_applications_knative_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::ElasticStack index_clusters_applications_elastic_stacks_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Applications::Cilium index_clusters_applications_cilium_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Epic index_epics_on_group_id_and_external_key index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Epic index_epics_on_group_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail UserPreference index_user_preferences_on_user_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Package index_packages_on_project_id_name_version_unique_when_generic index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Package index_packages_on_project_id_name_version_unique_when_golang index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Package index_packages_on_project_id_name_version_unique_when_helm index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Packages::Package index_packages_packages_on_name_trigram index is redundant as (package_name_index) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Packages::Package package_name_index index is redundant as (index_packages_packages_on_name_trigram) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail ProtectedTag index_protected_tags_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_protected_tags_on_project_id_and_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Integration index_integrations_on_type_and_template_partial index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ForkNetworkMember index_fork_network_members_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ForkNetwork index_fork_networks_on_root_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Todo index_todos_on_author_id index is redundant as (index_todos_on_author_id_and_created_at) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail GeoNodeStatus index_geo_node_statuses_on_geo_node_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Finding index_vulnerability_occurrences_on_unique_keys index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Finding index_vulnerability_occurrences_on_uuid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment index_protected_environments_on_group_id_and_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment index_protected_environments_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_protected_environments_on_project_id_and_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProtectedEnvironment index_protected_environments_on_project_id_and_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Projects::Topic index_topics_on_name_trigram index is redundant as (index_topics_on_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail CustomEmoji index_custom_emoji_on_namespace_id_and_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Security::Scan idx_security_scans_on_build_and_scan_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestReviewer index_merge_request_reviewers_on_merge_request_id_and_user_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ApprovalProjectRule any_approver_project_rule_type_unique_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRule index_approval_rule_name_for_code_owners_rule_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRule index_approval_rule_name_for_sectional_code_owners_rule_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRule index_approval_rules_code_owners_rule_type index is redundant as (index_approval_rule_name_for_sectional_code_owners_rule_type) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail UserCallout index_user_callouts_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_user_callouts_on_user_id_and_feature_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail DesignManagement::Action design_management_designs_versions_uniqueness index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail DesignManagement::Action index_design_management_designs_versions_on_design_id index is redundant as (design_management_designs_versions_uniqueness) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail DesignManagement::Version index_design_management_versions_on_sha_and_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail AlertManagement::Alert index_alert_management_alerts_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail PrometheusAlert index_prometheus_alerts_metric_environment index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IssuableSeverity index_issuable_severities_on_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail EpicIssue index_epic_issues_on_epic_id index is redundant as (index_epic_issues_on_epic_id_and_issue_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail EpicIssue index_epic_issues_on_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail ContainerRepository index_container_repositories_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_container_repositories_on_project_id_and_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Conan::Metadatum index_packages_conan_metadata_on_package_id_username_channel index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::IssueLink idx_vulnerability_issue_links_on_vulnerability_id_and_link_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::ExternalIssueLink idx_vulnerability_ext_issue_links_on_vulne_id_and_link_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::ExternalIssueLink index_vulnerability_external_issue_links_on_vulnerability_id index is redundant as (idx_vulnerability_ext_issue_links_on_vulne_id_and_ext_issue) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Statistic index_vulnerability_statistics_on_unique_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::AgentToken index_cluster_agent_tokens_on_token_encrypted index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallRotation index_inc_mgmnt_oncall_rotations_on_oncall_schedule_id_and_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallParticipant index_inc_mgmnt_oncall_participants_on_oncall_user_id index is redundant as (index_inc_mgmnt_oncall_participants_on_user_id_and_rotation_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallParticipant index_inc_mgmnt_oncall_participants_on_user_id_and_rotation_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::EscalationRule index_escalation_rules_on_all_attributes index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Conan::FileMetadatum index_packages_conan_file_metadata_on_package_file_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Label index_labels_on_group_id_and_title_varchar_unique index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Label index_labels_on_project_id_and_title_varchar_unique index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail DastSiteToken index_dast_site_tokens_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_dast_site_token_on_project_id_and_url) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Analytics::DevopsAdoption::EnabledNamespace idx_devops_adoption_segments_namespaces_pair index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Approval index_approvals_on_merge_request_id index is redundant as (index_approvals_on_merge_request_id_and_created_at) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Route index_routes_on_path index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Route index_routes_on_path_text_pattern_ops index is redundant as (index_routes_on_path) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Route index_routes_on_path_trigram index is redundant as (index_routes_on_path) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Route index_routes_on_source_type_and_source_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail PlanLimits index_plan_limits_on_plan_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail NoteDiffFile index_note_diff_files_on_diff_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectExportJob index_project_export_jobs_on_jid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectImportState index_project_mirror_data_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail InternalId index_internal_ids_on_usage_and_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail InternalId index_internal_ids_on_usage_and_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ExternalPullRequest index_external_pull_requests_on_project_and_branches index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail MergeRequestAssignee index_merge_request_assignees_on_merge_request_id index is redundant as (index_merge_request_assignees_on_merge_request_id_and_user_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestAssignee index_merge_request_assignees_on_merge_request_id_and_user_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectRepository index_project_repositories_on_disk_path index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectRepository index_project_repositories_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail ProjectRepository index_project_repositories_on_shard_id index is redundant as (index_project_repositories_on_shard_id_and_project_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail SnippetUserMention index_snippet_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail SnippetUserMention snippet_user_mentions_on_snippet_id_and_note_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail SnippetUserMention snippet_user_mentions_on_snippet_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IssueUserMention index_issue_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IssueUserMention issue_user_mentions_on_issue_id_and_note_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IssueUserMention issue_user_mentions_on_issue_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail CommitUserMention commit_user_mentions_on_commit_id_and_note_id_unique_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantUniqueIndexChecker fail CommitUserMention commit_user_mentions_on_commit_id_and_note_id_unique_index index uniqueness is redundant as (index_commit_user_mentions_on_note_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail CommitUserMention index_commit_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail DesignUserMention design_user_mentions_on_design_id_and_note_id_unique_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantUniqueIndexChecker fail DesignUserMention design_user_mentions_on_design_id_and_note_id_unique_index index uniqueness is redundant as (index_design_user_mentions_on_note_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail DesignUserMention index_design_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestUserMention index_merge_request_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestUserMention merge_request_user_mentions_on_mr_id_and_note_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestUserMention merge_request_user_mentions_on_mr_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail VulnerabilityUserMention index_vulnerability_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail VulnerabilityUserMention index_vulns_user_mentions_on_vulnerability_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail VulnerabilityUserMention index_vulns_user_mentions_on_vulnerability_id_and_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail EpicUserMention epic_user_mentions_on_epic_id_and_note_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail EpicUserMention epic_user_mentions_on_epic_id_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail EpicUserMention index_epic_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertUserMention index_alert_user_mentions_on_alert_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertUserMention index_alert_user_mentions_on_alert_id_and_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertUserMention index_alert_user_mentions_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ZoomMeeting index_zoom_meetings_on_issue_id_and_issue_status index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProgrammingLanguage index_programming_languages_on_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestContextCommit index_mr_context_commits_on_merge_request_id_and_sha index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail BoardProjectRecentVisit index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_project_and_board) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail BoardProjectRecentVisit index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_project_and_board index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail DiffNotePosition index_diff_note_positions_on_note_id_and_diff_type index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail TokenWithIv index_token_with_ivs_on_hashed_plaintext_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail TokenWithIv index_token_with_ivs_on_hashed_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectTracingSetting index_project_tracing_settings_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectDailyStatistic index_project_daily_statistics_on_project_id_and_date index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ImportExportUpload index_import_export_uploads_on_group_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail UserCanonicalEmail index_user_canonical_emails_on_user_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail UserCanonicalEmail index_user_canonical_emails_on_user_id_and_canonical_email index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantUniqueIndexChecker fail UserCanonicalEmail index_user_canonical_emails_on_user_id_and_canonical_email index uniqueness is redundant as (index_user_canonical_emails_on_user_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectCiCdSetting index_project_ci_cd_settings_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail WebauthnRegistration index_webauthn_registrations_on_credential_xid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail UserSyncedAttributesMetadata index_user_synced_attributes_metadata_on_user_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectFeature index_project_features_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectFeature index_project_features_on_project_id_include_container_registry index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantUniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectFeature index_project_features_on_project_id_include_container_registry index uniqueness is redundant as (index_project_features_on_project_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail RedirectRoute index_redirect_routes_on_path index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail RedirectRoute index_redirect_routes_on_path_unique_text_pattern_ops index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail SnippetRepository index_snippet_repositories_on_disk_path index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail TrendingProject index_trending_projects_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectStatistics index_project_statistics_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail PagesDomain index_pages_domains_on_domain_and_wildcard index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail PagesDomain index_pages_domains_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_pages_domains_on_project_id_and_enabled_until) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail PagesDomain index_pages_domains_on_verified_at index is redundant as (index_pages_domains_on_verified_at_and_enabled_until) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail ListUserPreference index_list_user_preferences_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_list_user_preferences_on_user_id_and_list_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail PrometheusMetric index_prometheus_metrics_on_identifier_and_null_project index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Suggestion index_suggestions_on_note_id_and_relative_order index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectAutoDevops index_project_auto_devops_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail DeploymentCluster index_deployment_clusters_on_cluster_id_and_deployment_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ChatTeam index_chat_teams_on_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail LfsFileLock index_lfs_file_locks_on_project_id_and_path index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Member index_members_on_invite_token index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail TermAgreement index_term_agreements_on_user_id index is redundant as (term_agreements_unique_index) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail TermAgreement term_agreements_unique_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestDiff index_merge_request_diffs_on_unique_merge_request_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail PersonalAccessToken index_personal_access_tokens_on_token_digest index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail PersonalAccessToken index_personal_access_tokens_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_pat_on_user_id_and_expires_at) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail DeploymentMergeRequest idx_environment_merge_requests_unique_index index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail JiraConnectSubscription idx_jira_connect_subscriptions_on_installation_id index is redundant as (idx_jira_connect_subscriptions_on_installation_id_namespace_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail JiraConnectSubscription idx_jira_connect_subscriptions_on_installation_id_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail PoolRepository index_pool_repositories_on_disk_path index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail PoolRepository index_pool_repositories_on_source_project_id_and_shard_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail BoardGroupRecentVisit index_board_group_recent_visits_on_user_group_and_board index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail BoardGroupRecentVisit index_board_group_recent_visits_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_board_group_recent_visits_on_user_group_and_board) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail SentryIssue index_sentry_issues_on_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail GpgSignature index_gpg_signatures_on_commit_sha index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail OnboardingProgress index_onboarding_progresses_on_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectSetting index_project_settings_on_push_rule_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail SystemNoteMetadata index_system_note_metadata_on_description_version_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail SystemNoteMetadata index_system_note_metadata_on_note_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail UserDetail index_user_details_on_phone index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail UserDetail index_user_details_on_user_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail WebHook index_web_hooks_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_web_hooks_on_project_id_recent_failures) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail MemberTask index_member_tasks_on_member_id index is redundant as (index_member_tasks_on_member_id_and_project_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail MemberTask index_member_tasks_on_member_id_and_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ProjectRepositoryState index_project_repository_states_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IssuableSla index_issuable_slas_on_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail NamespaceStatistics index_namespace_statistics_on_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail BoardLabel index_board_labels_on_board_id_and_label_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ScimOauthAccessToken index_scim_oauth_access_tokens_on_group_id_and_token_encrypted index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeTrain index_merge_trains_on_merge_request_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail BoardAssignee index_board_assignees_on_board_id_and_assignee_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequestBlock index_mr_blocks_on_blocking_and_blocked_mr_ids index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail FeatureFlagIssue index_ops_feature_flags_issues_on_feature_flag_id_and_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ScimIdentity index_scim_identities_on_user_id_and_group_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail ApprovalMergeRequestRuleSource index_approval_merge_request_rule_sources_1 index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail SoftwareLicensePolicy index_software_license_policies_unique_per_project index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IndexStatus index_index_statuses_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail GeoNodeNamespaceLink index_geo_node_namespace_links_on_geo_node_id index is redundant as (index_geo_node_namespace_links_on_geo_node_id_and_namespace_id) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail BoardUserPreference index_board_user_preferences_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_board_user_preferences_on_user_id_and_board_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlag index_operations_feature_flags_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlagsClient index_feature_flags_clients_on_project_id_and_token_encrypted index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Packages::Tag index_packages_tags_on_package_id index is redundant as (index_packages_tags_on_package_id_and_updated_at) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequest::DiffCommitUser index_merge_request_diff_commit_users_on_name_and_email index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequest::CleanupSchedule index_merge_request_cleanup_schedules_on_merge_request_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail MergeRequest::Metrics index_merge_request_metrics_on_target_project_id index is redundant as (index_mr_metrics_on_target_project_id_merged_at_nulls_last) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail MergeRequest::Metrics unique_merge_request_metrics_by_merge_request_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Terraform::StateVersion index_terraform_state_versions_on_state_id_and_version index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail AlertManagement::AlertAssignee index_alert_assignees_on_user_id_and_alert_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Users::InProductMarketingEmail index_in_product_marketing_emails_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_in_product_marketing_emails_on_user_track_series) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Serverless::DomainCluster idx_serverless_domain_cluster_on_clusters_applications_knative index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Projects::CiFeatureUsage index_project_ci_feature_usages_unique_columns index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Projects::ProjectTopic index_project_topics_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_project_topics_on_project_id_and_topic_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Projects::ProjectTopic index_project_topics_on_project_id_and_topic_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Namespace::AggregationSchedule index_namespace_aggregation_schedules_on_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Namespace::RootStorageStatistics index_namespace_root_storage_statistics_on_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail CustomerRelations::IssueContact index_issue_crm_contacts_on_issue_id_and_contact_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail BulkImports::Export partial_index_bulk_import_exports_on_group_id_and_relation index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail BulkImports::Export partial_index_bulk_import_exports_on_project_id_and_relation index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail DependencyProxy::Manifest index_dep_prox_manifests_on_group_id_file_name_and_status index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Aws::Role index_aws_roles_on_user_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::IssuableEscalationStatus index_uniq_im_issuable_escalation_statuses_on_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail WikiPage::Slug one_canonical_wiki_page_slug_per_metadata index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail ErrorTracking::Error index_error_tracking_errors_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_et_errors_on_project_id_and_status_and_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Issue::Metrics index_unique_issue_metrics_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Group index_cluster_groups_on_cluster_id_and_group_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Clusters::KubernetesNamespace index_clusters_kubernetes_namespaces_on_cluster_id index is redundant as (index_kubernetes_namespaces_on_cluster_project_environment_id) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail RequirementsManagement::Requirement index_requirements_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail GitlabSubscriptions::UpcomingReconciliation index_upcoming_reconciliations_on_namespace_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Elastic::ReindexingTask index_elastic_reindexing_tasks_on_in_progress index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Dast::ScannerProfilesBuild dast_scanner_profiles_builds_on_ci_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Dast::SiteProfilesBuild dast_site_profiles_builds_on_ci_build_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Dast::ProfilesPipeline index_dast_profiles_pipelines_on_ci_pipeline_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardPosition index_boards_epic_board_positions_on_epic_board_id_and_epic_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardRecentVisit index_boards_epic_board_recent_visits_on_user_id index is redundant as (index_epic_board_recent_visits_on_user_group_and_board) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Boards::EpicBoardRecentVisit index_epic_board_recent_visits_on_user_group_and_board index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference index_boards_epic_user_preferences_on_board_id index is redundant as (index_boards_epic_user_preferences_on_board_user_epic_unique) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Boards::EpicUserPreference index_boards_epic_user_preferences_on_board_user_epic_unique index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Security::Finding index_security_findings_on_scan_id_and_position index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Security::Finding index_security_findings_on_uuid_and_scan_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Security::OrchestrationPolicyConfiguration index_sop_configs_on_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail StatusPage::PublishedIncident index_status_page_published_incidents_on_issue_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::HistoricalStatistic index_vuln_historical_statistics_on_project_id_and_date index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Identifier index_vulnerability_identifiers_on_project_id_and_fingerprint index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation index_vulnerability_findings_remediations_on_unique_keys index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature idx_vuln_signatures_on_occurrences_id_and_signature_sha index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature idx_vuln_signatures_uniqueness_signature_sha index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantUniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature idx_vuln_signatures_uniqueness_signature_sha index uniqueness is redundant as (idx_vuln_signatures_on_occurrences_id_and_signature_sha) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature index_vulnerability_finding_signatures_on_finding_id index is redundant as (idx_vuln_signatures_on_occurrences_id_and_signature_sha) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Remediation index_vulnerability_remediations_on_project_id_and_checksum index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Vulnerabilities::Flag index_vulnerability_flags_on_vulnerability_occurrence_id index is redundant as (index_vulnerability_flags_on_unique_columns) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule index_im_oncall_schedules_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail IncidentManagement::OncallSchedule index_incident_management_oncall_schedules_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_im_oncall_schedules_on_project_id_and_iid) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Dora::DailyMetrics index_dora_daily_metrics_on_environment_id_and_date index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::UserList index_operations_user_lists_on_project_id_and_iid index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::StrategyUserList index_ops_strategies_user_lists_on_strategy_id_and_user_list_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Operations::FeatureFlags::Scope index_operations_scopes_on_strategy_id_and_environment_scope index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Composer::Metadatum index_packages_composer_metadata_on_package_id_and_target_sha index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Composer::CacheFile index_packages_composer_cache_namespace_and_sha index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Packages::Debian::GroupDistribution index_packages_debian_group_distributions_on_group_id index is redundant as (uniq_pkgs_debian_group_distributions_group_id_and_codename) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Packages::Debian::Publication index_packages_debian_publications_on_package_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Packages::Debian::ProjectDistribution index_packages_debian_project_distributions_on_project_id index is redundant as (uniq_pkgs_debian_project_distributions_project_id_and_codename) covers it
RedundantIndexChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage index_analytics_ca_project_stages_on_project_id index is redundant as (index_analytics_ca_project_stages_on_project_id_and_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::ProjectStage index_analytics_ca_project_stages_on_project_id_and_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::StageEventHash index_cycle_analytics_stage_event_hashes_on_hash_sha_256 index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Gcp index_cluster_providers_gcp_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Providers::Aws index_cluster_providers_aws_on_cluster_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Agents::GroupAuthorization index_agent_group_authorizations_on_agent_id_and_group_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
UniqueIndexChecker fail Clusters::Agents::ProjectAuthorization index_agent_project_authorizations_on_agent_id_and_project_id index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator
RedundantIndexChecker fail Analytics::CycleAnalytics::GroupStage index_analytics_ca_group_stages_on_group_id index is redundant as (index_group_stages_on_group_id_group_value_stream_id_and_name) covers it
UniqueIndexChecker fail Gitlab::Database::AsyncIndexes::PostgresAsyncIndex index_postgres_async_indexes_on_name index is unique in the database but do not have uniqueness validator

Caveat geo database

I had to comment geo code to skip connection to Geo secondary because it's not setup on my local GDK

Caveat errors from gem

This run above produced errors. See database_consistency_2021_11_09_12_22_00

Edited by Peter Leitzen

Merge request reports