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Stop overriding spamcheck verdicts !=ALLOW to allow rescuing via reCAPTCHA.

What does this MR do and why?

This MR introduces a minimal code change but a considerable paradigm shift in how to handle Spamcheck's verdicts.

As described in, some spammers do indeed solve reCAPTCHAs (

This MR no longer allows for issue submitters to solve a reCAPTCHA in all cases three where Spamcheck's verdict is !=ALLOW, only when verdict is =CONDITIONAL_ALLOW.

By doing this, Spamcheck becomes the SSOT for whether or not to allow an issue submission or not, its verdicts shall not be overwritten, modified, etc.

Before the MR

    def spamcheck_verdict
      return unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.spam_check_endpoint_enabled

        result, attribs, _error = spamcheck_client.issue_spam?(spam_issue: target, user: user, context: context)
        return [nil, attribs] unless result

        # @TODO log if error is not nil

        return [result, attribs] if result == NOOP || attribs["monitorMode"] == "true"

        # Duplicate logic with Akismet logic in #akismet_verdict
        if Gitlab::Recaptcha.enabled? && result != ALLOW
          [CONDITIONAL_ALLOW, attribs]
          [result, attribs]
      rescue StandardError => e

        # Default to ALLOW if any errors occur
        [ALLOW, attribs, true]
  1. non-admin, non-member user submits an issue to a public project
  2. spam_verdict_service.rb requests verdict from Spamcheck
  3. Spamcheck's evaluation leads to a spam value that passes the ALLOW and the CONDITIONAL_ALLOW threshold
  4. Spamcheck returns DISALLOW or BLOCK depending of the final spam value
  5. spam_verdict_service.rb overrides the non-ALLOW result to CONDITIONAL_ALLOW
  6. user is presented with reCAPTCHA
  7. reCAPTCHA is solved
  8. submission of issue is successful

After the MR

    def spamcheck_verdict
      return unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.spam_check_endpoint_enabled

        result, attribs, _error = spamcheck_client.issue_spam?(spam_issue: target, user: user, context: context)
        # @TODO log if error is not nil
        return [nil, attribs] unless result
        [result, attribs]  
      rescue StandardError => e

        # Default to ALLOW if any errors occur
        [ALLOW, attribs, true]
  1. non-admin, non-member user submits an issue to a public project
  2. spam_verdict_service.rb requests verdict from Spamcheck
  3. Spamcheck's evaluation leads to a spam value that passes the ALLOW and the CONDITIONAL_ALLOW threshold
  4. Spamcheck returns DISALLOW or BLOCK depending of the final spam value
  5. spam_verdict_service.rb doesn't override the non-ALLOW result to be CONDITIONAL_ALLOW
  6. user is not presented with reCAPTCHA
  7. reCAPTCHA is not solved since not presented
  8. submission of issue rejected

How to set up and validate locally


  1. Add a site and get a reCAPTCHA key and secret over at
  2. Add localhost, gdk.test and/or gitlab.local as valid domains for that site


  1. clone
  2. docker-compose up --build

GitLab (GDK)

  1. enable reCAPTCHA
  2. enable Spamcheck


  1. select a public project
  2. login as/impersonate a non-admin user that is not a member of said project
  3. submit a spam-like issue
  4. notice Spamcheck's verdict (DISALLOW/BLOCK) as per the logs, GitLab's reception of said verdict in gitlab/log/application_json.log and verify that no reCAPTCHA is presented to the user
spamcheck_1  | {"level":"info","metric":"spamcheck_inspector_verdicts","msg":"Inspector verdict received","time":"2021-09-30T17:16:55Z","verdict":1}
spamcheck_1  | {"correlation_id":"01FGVVB0YQNK9DJ53WKPW6NPGB","email_allowlisted":false,"level":"info","metric":"spamcheck_verdicts","monitor_mode":"false","msg":"Verdict calculated","project_path":"h5bp/html5-boilerplate","time":"2021-09-30T17:16:55Z","verdict":"BLOCK"}
spamcheck_1  | {"error":null,"failed":false,"level":"info","method":"CheckForSpamIssue","metric":"spamcheck_api_calls","msg":"","time":"2021-09-30T17:16:55Z"}

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

cc @cwoolley-gitlab @cablett @stanhu @jwanjohi @eurie

Merge request reports