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Add Vale JSON template compatible with the Code Quality spec

What does this MR do and why?

Adds a Vale template that outputs code-quality-compatible JSON to be used with

For gitlab-docs#1088 (moved)


In many suggestions, we have double quotes which makes the JSON file not valid. We should change " with ' or backticks.

How to set up and validate locally

vale --output=doc/.vale/vale-json.tmpl .vale.ini doc/

The output will be:

    "description": "Grade level (12.76) is high. To lower the score, use shorter sentences and words.",
    "fingerprint": "doc/",
    "severity": "suggestion",
    "location": {
      "path": "doc/",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 1
    "description": "Consider "documentation" instead of "docs".",
    "fingerprint": "doc/",
    "severity": "suggestion",
    "location": {
      "path": "doc/",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 10
    "description": "Consider "documentation" instead of "Docs".",
    "fingerprint": "doc/",
    "severity": "suggestion",
    "location": {
      "path": "doc/",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 15
    "description": "If possible, use "must" instead of "need to".",
    "fingerprint": "doc/",
    "severity": "warning",
    "location": {
      "path": "doc/",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 28
    "description": "Avoid words like "useful" that imply ease of use, because the user may find this action hard.",
    "fingerprint": "doc/",
    "severity": "suggestion",
    "location": {
      "path": "doc/",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 98
    "description": "'There are' is not precise. Try rewriting with a specific subject and verb.",
    "fingerprint": "doc/",
    "severity": "suggestion",
    "location": {
      "path": "doc/",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 107
    "description": "Consider "documentation" instead of "Docs".",
    "fingerprint": "doc/",
    "severity": "suggestion",
    "location": {
      "path": "doc/",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 126

Lint the JSON output

Merge request reports