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WIP Adjust timeout thresholds for end to end search test results

Erick Banks requested to merge egb-adjust-search-wait-thresholds into master

What does this MR do?

I've adjusted the timeouts for end to end test search calls to 3 minutes (10 increments of 18 second waits) because according to our severity matrix any insert and recall procedure that takes less than 3 minutes is expected normal result.

I've also removed a retrier that wrapped the it clauses in qa/qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/enablement/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_reindexing_spec.rb because that test retries search availability three times inside the assert_elasticsearch_responding call in qa/qa/runtime/search.rb and I don't see a need to retry search twice.

Screenshots or Screencasts (strongly suggested)

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Availability and Testing


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  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Erick Banks

Merge request reports
