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JWT for customers-dot graphql proxy

Ryan Cobb requested to merge rc/customers_dot_jwt into master

What does this MR do?

For: customers-gitlab-com#3000 (closed)
customers-dot integration:

This MR introduces a new JWT that will be used to authenticate/authorize a GitLab user's CustomersDot resources. With this, we'll be able to query CustomerDot for the current GitLab users resources seamlessly via the CustomersDot graphql proxy.

An example flow:

  1. On gitlab, frontend makes request to /-/customers_dot/proxy/graphql
  2. At the controller, we create a JWT containing the currently logged in user, attach it to the request headers and forward the request to customersdot
  3. CustomersDot verifies the JWT, queries in the context of the JWT user and returns results
  4. Original frontend request gets response



== 20210630222522 AddCustomersDotJwtSigningKeyToApplicationSettings: migrating 
-- add_column(:application_settings, :encrypted_customers_dot_jwt_signing_key, :text)
   -> 0.0047s
-- add_column(:application_settings, :encrypted_customers_dot_jwt_signing_key_iv, :text)
   -> 0.0014s
== 20210630222522 AddCustomersDotJwtSigningKeyToApplicationSettings: migrated (0.0062s) 

== 20210630224625 GenerateCustomersDotJwtSigningKey: migrating ================
== 20210630224625 GenerateCustomersDotJwtSigningKey: migrated (0.5486s) =======


== 20210630224625 GenerateCustomersDotJwtSigningKey: reverting ================
== 20210630224625 GenerateCustomersDotJwtSigningKey: reverted (0.3851s) =======

== 20210630222522 AddCustomersDotJwtSigningKeyToApplicationSettings: reverting 
-- remove_column(:application_settings, :encrypted_customers_dot_jwt_signing_key_iv, :text)
   -> 0.0045s
-- remove_column(:application_settings, :encrypted_customers_dot_jwt_signing_key, :text)
   -> 0.0015s
== 20210630222522 AddCustomersDotJwtSigningKeyToApplicationSettings: reverted (0.0108s) 

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


Does this MR contain changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods or other items described in the security review guidelines? If not, then delete this Security section.

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Ryan Cobb

Merge request reports