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Drop the web_hook_logs_archived table

Yannis Roussos requested to merge 323678-drop-non-partitioned-web-hook-logs into master

What does this MR do?

Related issue: #323678 (closed)

This is the final step required after partitioning the web_hook_logs table (&5558 (closed)) is complete; we finish the process by dropping the non-partitioned web_hook_logs_archived table and the related sync trigger and function.


$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
== 20210609125005 DropNonPartitionedWebHookLogs: migrating ====================
-- execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS table_sync_trigger_b99eb6998c ON web_hook_logs")
   -> 0.0023s
-- execute("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS table_sync_function_29bc99d6db()")
   -> 0.0007s
-- drop_table("web_hook_logs_archived")
   -> 0.0021s
== 20210609125005 DropNonPartitionedWebHookLogs: migrated (0.0133s) ===========
$ bundle exec rake db:rollback
== 20210609125005 DropNonPartitionedWebHookLogs: reverting ====================
-- execute("CREATE TABLE web_hook_logs_archived (\n    id integer NOT NULL,\n    web_hook_id integer NOT NULL,\n    trigger character varying,\n    url character varying,\n    request_headers text,\n    request_data text,\n    response_headers text,\n    response_body text,\n    response_status character varying,\n    execution_duration double precision,\n    internal_error_message character varying,\n    created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,\n    updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL\n);\n\nALTER TABLE ONLY web_hook_logs_archived ADD CONSTRAINT web_hook_logs_archived_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);\n\nCREATE INDEX index_web_hook_logs_on_created_at_and_web_hook_id ON web_hook_logs_archived USING btree (created_at, web_hook_id);\nCREATE INDEX index_web_hook_logs_on_web_hook_id ON web_hook_logs_archived USING btree (web_hook_id);\n\nALTER TABLE ONLY web_hook_logs_archived ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_666826e111 FOREIGN KEY (web_hook_id) REFERENCES web_hooks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;\n")
   -> 0.0080s
-- execute("CREATE  FUNCTION table_sync_function_29bc99d6db()\nRETURNS TRIGGER AS\n$$\nBEGIN\nIF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN\n  DELETE FROM web_hook_logs_archived where id =;\nELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN\n  UPDATE web_hook_logs_archived\n  SET web_hook_id = NEW.web_hook_id,\n    trigger = NEW.trigger,\n    url = NEW.url,\n    request_headers = NEW.request_headers,\n    request_data = NEW.request_data,\n    response_headers = NEW.response_headers,\n    response_body = NEW.response_body,\n    response_status = NEW.response_status,\n    execution_duration = NEW.execution_duration,\n    internal_error_message = NEW.internal_error_message,\n    created_at = NEW.created_at,\n    updated_at = NEW.updated_at\n  WHERE =;\nELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN\n  INSERT INTO web_hook_logs_archived (id,\n    web_hook_id,\n    trigger,\n    url,\n    request_headers,\n    request_data,\n    response_headers,\n    response_body,\n    response_status,\n    execution_duration,\n    internal_error_message,\n    created_at,\n    updated_at)\n  VALUES (,\n    NEW.web_hook_id,\n    NEW.trigger,\n    NEW.url,\n    NEW.request_headers,\n    NEW.request_data,\n    NEW.response_headers,\n    NEW.response_body,\n    NEW.response_status,\n    NEW.execution_duration,\n    NEW.internal_error_message,\n    NEW.created_at,\n    NEW.updated_at);\nEND IF;\nRETURN NULL;\n\nEND\n$$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL\n")
   -> 0.0025s
-- execute("COMMENT ON FUNCTION table_sync_function_29bc99d6db IS 'Partitioning migration: table sync for web_hook_logs table'")
   -> 0.0007s
-- current_schema()
   -> 0.0002s
-- execute("CREATE TRIGGER table_sync_trigger_b99eb6998c\nAFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON web_hook_logs\nFOR EACH ROW\nEXECUTE FUNCTION table_sync_function_29bc99d6db()\n")
   -> 0.0016s
== 20210609125005 DropNonPartitionedWebHookLogs: reverted (0.0218s) ===========

-- Making sure that the revert keeps the schema as it was

$ git status
On branch 323678-drop-non-partitioned-web-hook-logs
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


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