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Forward Jira uninstall events to self-managed

Andy Schoenen requested to merge 325282-forward-proxied-jira-connect-events into master

What does this MR do?

This is a part of the &5650 (closed) epic to make the GitLab for Jira app available for self-managed using as a proxy.

In this part we want to enable to forward event hooks to a self-managed instance.

Jira can send lifecycle events to installed apps. We currently use installed and uninstalled.

When receiving an installed event:

  • If the request does not contain a valid JWT token, this means, there is no matching installation, and we will create a new one.
  • If the JWT is valid. Meaning we already have an installation we just respond with :ok without any further action.

When receiving an uninstalled event:

  • We delete the installation

Now with the ability to set an instance_url, the JiraConnectInstallation will serve as a proxy for another instance, and we need to forward the events to the instance. installed event don't need to be forwarded because for the initial event with a new installation, instance_url can not be set and for existing installations, we don't do anything except from responding with :ok. For uninstalled event we would need to forward the request and delete the installation afterwards.

I have not added a changelog entry because this is not a user facing change. There currently is no UI for setting instance_url

How to test

I made a 📺 video showing how the changes can be tested using Gitpod.

To test this, two publicly available GitLab instances are needed:

  1. Start two Gitpods, one on master (I'll call this one self-managed) and one on 325282-forward-proxied-jira-connect-events (I'll call this one dotcom)
  2. Make sure the Gitpods are up and running and app descriptor on dotcom can be accessed under
  3. Go to your Jira/Atlassian account and navigate to Apps -> Manage your apps
  4. Open Settings and enable development mode
  5. Click Upload App
  6. Enter the app descriptor URL ( and click Upload
  7. On the dotcom Gitpod open the rails console with bundle exec rails c
  8. Run JiraConnectInstallation.count. The result should be 1 meaning the installation was successfully created
  9. Assign a variable to the URL of the self-managed Gitpod `instance_url = '' (without the trailing slash!)
  10. Set up the installation by running this snippet on the dotcom Gitpod rails console
  11. Now open a console on the self-managed Gitpod by running bundle exec rails c
  12. Verify that the installation got created there too with JiraConnectInstallation.count. The result should be 1 meaning the installation was successfully created
  13. Go back to the Jira and click Uninstall
  14. On both Gitpods the result of JiraConnectInstallation.count should be 0 now meaning both installations has been successfully removed.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing

Related to #325282 (closed)

Edited by Markus Koller

Merge request reports