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Draft: EvaluateWorkflowRules configuration for branch and merge_request

drew stachon requested to merge merge-request-rules into master

What does this MR do?

This branch demonstrates a proposed configuration option for controlling branch and pipeline execution in workflow:rules

Currently, the use of always and never is not granular enough to let authors configure pipelines to run only for branches or merge requests. So I propose we add branch and merge_request.

Using this configuration, we should be able to remove the default job:only configuration and fully rely on workflow, which will have explicit configuration:

      when: always
      when: merge_requests
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push"
      when: branches

  script: echo "Every pipeline"

  script: echo "not for regular development, only run this when it's part of an open merge request"
# only:
#   - merge_requests

  script : echo "an abbreviated triage job that only runs on development branches that aren't in merge requests"
      when: never
# only:
#   - branches

In this example, job1 will be run in every pipeline, branch or merge request, but workflow:rules prevents two pipelines from ever being created at the same time unless explicitly asked for via $RUN_BOTH_PIPES. If that rule were to be removed, two pipelines would never be created simultaneously.

  • If Delaney pushes a new feature and there is no open merge request, a single pipeline will run with job1 and job3.
  • Delaney opens a merge request from the new feature branch, a single pipeline will run with job1 and job2.
  • After pushing to an open merge request, Delaney can go to the web UI and run a new pipeline with custom variable $RUN_BOTH_PIPES set to true, and will get two new pipelines identical to the ones produced by the push and new merge request.

I think this will be much more obvious to configuration writers in the future.

Configuration outcomes

Using this configuration, we would no longer need the secret default only:[branches,tags], because the evaluation of workflow:rules will now stop the processing of merge request pipelines entirely if the workflow rules do not explicitly call for them.

The lack of default job inclusion configuration means that jobs will be included for any pipeline that EvaluateWorkflowRules says is configured. If no jobs are configured for a pipeline, (e.g. every job has only:[branches] that pipeline (the MR pipeline with no jobs) will not be created, as is the case today.

I used "only" to describe configurations here because it's easier to read quickly. The sample configuration above has comments to show equivalent configurations.

Workflow Rules when: job1 only: job2 only: Branch Pipeline MR Pipeline
always branches --- job1, job2 job2
always branches merge_requests job1 job2
always --- merge_requests job1 job1, job2
always --- --- job1, job2 job1, job2
branches branches --- job1, job2 ---
branches branches merge_requests job1 ---
branches --- merge_requests job1 ---
branches --- --- job1, job2 ---
merge_requests branches --- --- job2
merge_requests branches merge_requests --- job2
merge_requests --- merge_requests --- job1, job2
merge_requests --- --- --- job1, job2

Some example common configuration

"I have two jobs. I want branch pipelines most of the time, but if I've opened the merge request, run for the merged result and skip the plain branch."

      when: merge_requests
    - when: branches

# Notice that since the jobs always run in both pipelines, they don't need to be configured!

  script: echo "First job"

  script: echo "Second job"

"I'm adding a third job. It's expensive, so only run it in my merge request pipelines after the other jobs succeed".

  script: echo "Really expensive tests"
    - job1
    - job2

Related Issues

#327352 (closed) - By not understanding the default only: implementation, this pipeline author doesn't understand why the first job is being left out of pipelines. If pipelines were configured explicitly in workflow: instead of implicitly through job:only, I think there would be less confusion.

#322524 - An author is unintentionally creating merge request pipelines by writing rules related to CI_PROJECT_NAME, or other information completely unrelated to merge requests.

#297372 (closed) - An author who isn't getting what they expect out of the Workflow Merge Request Pipelines template. While the template is concise and effective for a particular behavior, I think it would be easier to understand if pipeline author had written explicit configuration asking for branch and/or merge request pipelines.


Adoption of this configuration should be fairly intuitive, because always will still mean always. If people have duplicate pipelines, we can tell them "Well don't say always, just say branches!"

What about tags?

Tags would work exactly the same way, but I have left them out of this for the sake of making it easier to read.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Certainly not. Stop reading now, I'll fill out the rest of this if and when it's a real MR.


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by drew stachon

Merge request reports