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Enhance ref_selector component to allow for tag creation

What does this MR do?

Updates the ref_selector Vue component to allow the component to function as a tag creation control (among other things).

These changes are being made to support the workflow described in #235792 (closed), which allows the New Release page to create a release from an existing tag. (Currently, users can only use this form to create a release from a new tag.)

Below are the specific updates:

New footer slot

This component now accepts an optional footer slot, which allows content to be rendered in the underlying GlDropdown's footer slot.

This slot is implemented as a scoped slot and receives the following slot props:

  • isLoading: Whether or not the ref_selector component is currently loading data from the API
  • matches: The current list of search results
  • query: The current search query

These slot props will allow the parent component to dynamically render content based on the current state of the control.

Example use case: As part of #235792 (closed), the component will show a new Create new option in the dropdown's footer, but only if the user's search returned no results.

Validation state

A new prop has been added - state - that allows the component to show form validation states, much like GlFormInput.

Allow for multiple instances

There was a bug in component that caused all instances of the component to share the same Vuex store. Now, each instance of the RefSelector component uses a new instances of its store. This allows more than one RefSelector to appear on the page.


Description Screenshot
With content in the new footer slot. In this example, the "Create tag <tag name>" is content that is provided by the parent component using the footer slot. image
Invalid state image

Related to #235792 (closed)

Edited by Nathan Friend

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