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WIP: Tidy up IDE code

Phil Hughes requested to merge ide-code-cleanup into master

What does this MR do?

The IDE has gone through a lot of changes recently which meant a lot of code was being added. This tidies up the code by making it match the Vuex docs a little more closely.

Most of the components currently are container components & know use mapState, mapGetter etc. when really they should just be presentational component and take in some props. This changes that to make a clear distinction on what each component is.

A lot of files where left over from when the IDE was a multi-file editor inside of a repository. These files have been removed as well as any state that belongs to them. This reduces the amount of code we are including but also reduces the amount of data we need to store in the state. With this a lot of actions & mutations have also been removed to make the Vuex store a little smaller in size.

Merge request reports
