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WIP: Disable `move_to_cache` to make legacy trace accessible while trace artifact is being created

Shinya Maeda requested to merge fix/sm/trace-artfiacts-race-issue into master

What does this MR do?

This problem is because of move_to_cache option is true in JobArtifactUploader. Users can't see the trace when the trace is in tmp/cache or tmp/work.

    participant Runner
    participant Unicorn
    participant Sidekiq
    participant DB
    participant Live trace path
    participant tmp/work
    participant tmp/cache
    participant Trace artifact path
    participant job page
    Runner->>Unicorn: Sends chunks
    loop Every minute
      Unicorn->>Live trace path: Append chunks
    activate Live trace path
    Runner->>Unicorn: Sends job result
    Unicorn->>Live trace path: Write full trace
    Unicorn-xSidekiq: CreateTraceArtifactWorker
    Note over Sidekiq,Trace artifact path: Aynsc starts
    Live trace path->>tmp/work: Move file
    deactivate Live trace path
    activate tmp/work
    Note right of tmp/work: IN THIS PERIOD, NO BODY CAN NOT ACCESS
    tmp/work->>tmp/cache: Move file
    deactivate tmp/work
    activate tmp/cache
    Note right of tmp/cache: IN THIS PERIOD, NO BODY CAN NOT ACCESS
    tmp/cache->>Trace artifact path: Move file
    deactivate tmp/cache
    activate Trace artifact path
    Sidekiq->>DB: Created trace_artifact
    Note over Sidekiq,Trace artifact path: Aynsc ends
    alt if trace_artifact record exists
      job page->>DB: Check trace_artifact record => Not found
      job page->>Live trace path: Exists?
      job page->>Live trace path: Read
    else if NOT trace_artifact record exists
      job page->>DB: Check trace_artifact record => Found
      job page->>Trace artifact path: Read
    deactivate Trace artifact path

How this problem happens

    participant Runner
    participant Unicorn
    participant Sidekiq
    participant DB
    participant Live trace path
    participant tmp/work
    participant tmp/cache
    participant Trace artifact path
    participant job page
    Runner->>Unicorn: Sends chunks
    loop Every minute
      Unicorn->>Live trace path: Append chunks
    activate Live trace path
    Runner->>Unicorn: Sends job result
    Unicorn->>Live trace path: Write full trace
    Unicorn-xSidekiq: CreateTraceArtifactWorker
    Note over Sidekiq,Trace artifact path: Aynsc starts. PID: A => CreateTraceArtifactWorker. PID: B => Job page rendering
    Sidekiq->>DB: Transaction starts for creating trace_artifact
      job page->>DB: Check trace_artifact record => Not found (B)
      job page->>Live trace path: Exists? (B)
    Live trace path->>tmp/work: Move file (A)
    deactivate Live trace path
    activate tmp/work
      job page->>Live trace path: Read (B) => Errno::ENOENT
    Note right of tmp/work: IN THIS PERIOD, NO BODY CAN NOT ACCESS
    tmp/work->>tmp/cache: Move file (A)
    deactivate tmp/work
    activate tmp/cache
    Note right of tmp/cache: IN THIS PERIOD, NO BODY CAN NOT ACCESS
    tmp/cache->>Trace artifact path: Move file (A)
    deactivate tmp/cache
    activate Trace artifact path
    Sidekiq->>DB: Transaction ends for creating trace_artifact
    Note over Sidekiq,Trace artifact path: Aynsc ends
    deactivate Trace artifact path
  • Backport to CE

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Why was this MR needed?

Screenshots (if relevant)

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Closes Closes

Edited by Shinya Maeda

Merge request reports