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Consolidate the Edit and Web IDE buttons

Himanshu Kapoor requested to merge 246785-edit-ide-single-dropdown into master

What does this MR do?

Issue: #246785 (closed)

Consolidates the Edit and Web IDE buttons on the blobs page.

Note: This feature is behind a feature flag :consolidated_edit_button. To turn on the feature flag, in your terminal enter rails c. In the Rails terminal, enter Feature.enable(:consolidated_edit_button)


Scenario Blobs page screenshot Tree page screenshot
User has write access to repo. Gitpod is enabled.

Note: Edit in Web IDE is the default option in both cases.
image image
User has write access to repo. Gitpod is disabled. image image
User opens a binary/image/LFS file. Single file editor cannot open binary files so Edit option is disabled. Gitpod is enabled. image N/A
User opens a binary/image/LFS file. Single file editor cannot open binary files so Edit option is disabled. Gitpod is disabled. image N/A
User does not have write access to repo, but can fork and create MR in project. User doesn't have a personal fork that already exists in their namespace. Gitpod is enabled. image

A modal to fork is shown on click:


After the fork you are taken to either the single file editor or Web IDE in the fork depending on which option you clicked earlier. In the single-file editor/Web IDE the current blob is opened by default.

A modal (same as in the left box) is shown on click. After forking you are taken to the Web IDE and the folder you had currently open (and all its parents) is expanded.
User does not have write access to repo, but can create MR and a personal fork exists in their namespace. Gitpod is enabled. image image
User does not have write access to repo, and cannot create MRs in the project. This mostly happens when the project is archived. User can fork the project, and a personal fork may or may not exist in their namespace. The dropdown menu is entirely absent. The dropdown menu is entirely absent. This is a change from current master where the dropdown menu is visible even for archived projects (when the user has a personal fork available).

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Himanshu Kapoor

Merge request reports