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Add `manuallyCollapsed` flag to Diff Files

What does this MR do?

For #16047 (closed)

This is one MR in a sequence to improve the way collapsed files are handled in Merge Request diffs.

To create the smallest impact possible, it's broken up into a few steps.

Step MR Description
1 !43296 (merged) Refactor the existing collapsed flags into something more accurate, like automaticallyCollapsed
This will leave a small inconsistency where user-collapsed files will be toggling the automaticallyCollapsed property.
2 We're here 👉🏻 Add a flag like userCollapsed alongside the auto flag
This will require Vuex actions, mutations, getters ("how many of each type?"), etc.
Update the UI to use both flags
This will require some resolution code ("which flag wins?"), and various tweaks to the UI code
Modify collapsed files to hide the body on userCollapsed and show the warning on automaticallyCollapsed
3 This includes making the warning orange and swapping the text to indicate it was performed automatically.

This MR adds manuallyCollapsed to live alongside the existing automaticallyCollapsed diff file flag.

Notable changes include:

  • There's some high-level resolution code so the same - somewhat complex - logic isn't repeated in a bunch of components.
    • This code knows about both of the collapsed state flags and incorporates whether the user is in file-by-file mode (if that information is available) to determine if a file should be considered collapsed
  • Some actions/mutations are simplified a bit, or common behaviors are extracted
  • The diff files don't show any body if the user manually collapsed it


Before After
Automatically collapsed file image image
Manually collapsed file image image
Open file image image image image image image image image
Collapsing collapse-before-compressed collapse-after-compressed
Expanding expand-before-compressed expand-after-compressed

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Thomas Randolph

Merge request reports