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Fix upstream pipeline status when strategy dependent

Furkan Ayhan requested to merge 212435-fix-upstream-pipeline-result into master

What does this MR do?


Related to #212435 (closed)

When a pipeline triggers another pipeline, the upstream pipeline can have an option of depending on the downstream pipeline status with strategy: depend. Let's say the downstream pipeline has a flaky job, at first it fails, so the bridge job between the upstream and the downstream pipelines fails. But then, the user can retry the job or the pipeline, and it can succeed. Then we need to update the bridge and the upstream pipeline. This scenario can also happen in the opposite way (first succeeds, retries, then fails).

This MR fixes that problem. However, it does not cover "Mirroring status from upstream pipeline" feature (comment: #212435 (comment 410067521)).


When a pipeline completes, it enqueues Ci::PipelineBridgeStatusWorker if an upstream pipeline waits for its result (pipeline.bridge_waiting?). That worker makes the bridge job inherit the status from the downstream pipeline (pipeline.source_bridge.inherit_status_from_downstream!(pipeline)).

Before this fix, the bridge job is in failed state, and it can not be converted to success state directly. That's why we keep getting these errors: (p.s. not sure about it)

In this MR, whenever a job is retried or a pipeline is retried, its bridge job is converted to pending state so that it can be converted to failed or success in a right way.


The downstream pipeline fails first Screen_Shot_2020-09-09_at_23.36.25
Then the failed job is retried Screen_Shot_2020-09-09_at_23.36.39
Then the downstream pipeline succeeds Screen_Shot_2020-09-09_at_23.37.58

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  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
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  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Furkan Ayhan

Merge request reports
