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Optimize counts.terraform_reports usage ping counter

What does this MR do?

In #230437 (closed), we noticed that the counts.terraform_reports usage ping counter was failing on This MR optimizes the counter to get it working again.

This counter currently uses batching, so it queries for the MIN/MAX id, and then performs a query for each batch in that range. The batch size defaults to 100_000, and gets cut in half every time the batch query times out (ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled). The batch size can get as small as 1_250.

[6] pry(main)> Gitlab::Utils::UsageData.count(::Ci::JobArtifact.terraform_reports)
   (11.9ms)  SELECT MIN("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18
   (0.5ms)  SELECT MAX("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18
   (3.0ms)  SELECT COUNT("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18 AND "ci_job_artifacts"."id" BETWEEN 0 AND 99999

The rows being counted are covered by an existing partial index:

CREATE INDEX index_ci_job_artifacts_for_terraform_reports ON public.ci_job_artifacts USING btree (project_id, id) WHERE (file_type = 18);

Queries were tested in database lab, and their performance is examined below.

Current query performance

SELECT MIN("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18

Time: > 1hr (cancelled because it took very long) (without execution)

Note: Terraform reports are a relatively new feature, introduced in %13.0. When starting from the lowest id, it is likely that a large amount of the table would need to be read before finding any records matching WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18.

SELECT MAX("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18

Time: 209.649 ms

SELECT COUNT("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18 AND "ci_job_artifacts"."id" BETWEEN 0 AND 99999

Time: 303.937 ms

Note: Terraform reports are a relatively new feature, introduced in %13.0. It's highly likely that this query did not find any records matching WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18, since it's looking at the beginning of the table. I'm not sure if/how the performance is affected by the number of matching records.


This MR adds a new partial index to optimize the queries above:

CREATE INDEX index_ci_job_artifacts_id_for_terraform_reports ON public.ci_job_artifacts USING btree (id) WHERE (file_type = 18)

Query performance with index

SELECT MIN("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18

Time: 0.633 ms

SELECT MAX("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18

Time: 0.611 ms

SELECT COUNT("ci_job_artifacts"."id") FROM "ci_job_artifacts" WHERE "ci_job_artifacts"."file_type" = 18 AND "ci_job_artifacts"."id" BETWEEN 0 AND 99999

Time: 0.290 ms

Note: No matching records in this batch.

Migration output

== 20200806202645 AddIndexToCiJobArtifactsForTerraformReportsId: migrating ====
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- index_exists?(:ci_job_artifacts, :id, {:where=>"file_type = 18", :name=>"index_ci_job_artifacts_id_for_terraform_reports", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0032s
-- add_index(:ci_job_artifacts, :id, {:where=>"file_type = 18", :name=>"index_ci_job_artifacts_id_for_terraform_reports", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0036s
== 20200806202645 AddIndexToCiJobArtifactsForTerraformReportsId: migrated (0.0071s) 

Index creation took 29.630 min in database lab.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing

Edited by Alishan Ladhani

Merge request reports