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Use #in_batches in Project Export StreamingSerializer

What does this MR do?

This MR attempts to fix an issue with Project Export statement timeouts (like this one #212355 (closed)). Currently big project exports can fail with ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled: PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout.

Reason (described here #212355 (comment 364049215)) is below.

records.find_each(batch_size: batch_size) (which is project.issues.find_each(batch_size: 20)) from runs the following query which times out. I was able to reproduce this on staging and prod.

SELECT "issues".* FROM "issues" WHERE "issues"."project_id" = <PROJECT_ID> ORDER BY "issues"."id" ASC LIMIT 20

Our legacy implementation on the other hand, uses record.in_batches(of: batch_size) and does not time out:

SELECT "issues"."id" FROM "issues" WHERE "issues"."project_id" = <PROJECT_ID> ORDER BY "issues"."id" ASC LIMIT 20

.find_each uses .in_batches under the hood but with load: true flag.

A few potential solutions to this:

  1. For each project relation, add project_id, id index as Active Record batch ordering can't be changed as per documentation ( see )
  2. Changing .find_each back to using .in_batches. This will require a slight change to batch handling

I tried a few variations on a fresh console session on staging. This is with merge_requests relation, statement timeouts happen on issues relation on production, but it looks like more than 1 is affected.

SELECT first:

[ gstg ] production> p.merge_requests.in_batches(of: 20) { |b| p b; break }

D, [2020-06-19T12:38:24.033353 #18536] DEBUG -- :    (17.5ms)  SELECT "merge_requests"."id" FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20 /*application:console*/

D, [2020-06-19T12:38:24.037550 #18536] DEBUG -- :   MergeRequest Load (2.9ms)  SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 AND "merge_requests"."id" IN (5667901, 5667902, 5667903, 5667904, 5667905, 5667906, 5667907, 5667908, 5667909, 5667910, 5667911, 5667912, 5667913, 5667914, 5667915, 5667916, 5667917, 5667918, 5667919, 5667920) LIMIT 11 /*application:console*/
#<ActiveRecord::AssociationRelation [...]>

[ gstg ] production> p.merge_requests.find_each(batch_size: 20) { |b| p b; break }

D, [2020-06-19T12:40:00.719287 #18536] DEBUG -- :   MergeRequest Load (10003.6ms)  SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20 /*application:console*/

ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled (PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout)

SELECT issues.* first:

[ gstg ] production> p.merge_requests.find_each(batch_size: 20) { |b| p b; break }
D, [2020-06-19T12:42:31.753269 #19218] DEBUG -- :   MergeRequest Load (10004.6ms)  SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20 /*application:console*/

ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled (PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout)

[ gstg ] production> p.merge_requests.in_batches(of: 20) { |b| p b; break }
D, [2020-06-19T12:42:50.694315 #19218] DEBUG -- :    (13.3ms)  SELECT "merge_requests"."id" FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20 /*application:console*/

D, [2020-06-19T12:42:50.700828 #19218] DEBUG -- :   MergeRequest Load (5.3ms)  SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 AND "merge_requests"."id" IN (5667901, 5667902, 5667903, 5667904, 5667905, 5667906, 5667907, 5667908, 5667909, 5667910, 5667911, 5667912, 5667913, 5667914, 5667915, 5667916, 5667917, 5667918, 5667919, 5667920) LIMIT 11 /*application:console*/

#<ActiveRecord::AssociationRelation [...]>
=> nil

Query plans:

[ gstg ] production> pp ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('explain SELECT "merge_requests"."id" FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20').to_a

D, [2020-06-19T12:57:22.094174 #19218] DEBUG -- :    (3.3ms)  explain SELECT "merge_requests"."id" FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20 /*application:console*/
[{"QUERY PLAN"=>"Limit  (cost=198.44..198.49 rows=20 width=4)"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"  ->  Sort  (cost=198.44..206.00 rows=3024 width=4)"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"        Sort Key: id"},
   "        ->  Index Only Scan using index_merge_requests_on_tp_id_and_merge_commit_sha_and_id on merge_requests  (cost=0.56..117.98 rows=3024 width=4)"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"              Index Cond: (target_project_id = 4481077)"}]
[ gstg ] production> pp ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('explain SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20').to_a
D, [2020-06-19T12:57:57.177757 #19218] DEBUG -- :    (3.5ms)  explain SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4481077 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20 /*application:console*/
[{"QUERY PLAN"=>"Limit  (cost=0.43..3159.09 rows=20 width=748)"},
   "  ->  Index Scan using merge_requests_pkey on merge_requests  (cost=0.43..477590.22 rows=3024 width=748)"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"        Filter: (target_project_id = 4481077)"}]

-> Index Scan using merge_requests_pkey on merge_requests (cost=0.43..477590.22 rows=3024 width=748)"} seems to be very costly? This is staging on merge requests relation, but is similar problem on prod (I ran similar tests in database-lab Slack channel) and saw similar figures.

I populated my own project MRs to 3k mark and here's explain analyze:

[ gstg ] production> pp ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('explain analyze SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4402162 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20').to_a
D, [2020-06-19T14:14:29.736300 #24979] DEBUG -- :    (3990.1ms)  explain analyze SELECT "merge_requests".* FROM "merge_requests" WHERE "merge_requests"."target_project_id" = 4402162 ORDER BY "merge_requests"."id" ASC LIMIT 20 /*application:console*/
   "Limit  (cost=0.43..2554.09 rows=20 width=747) (actual time=3986.907..3986.929 rows=20 loops=1)"},
   "  ->  Index Scan using merge_requests_pkey on merge_requests  (cost=0.43..488004.30 rows=3822 width=747) (actual time=3986.906..3986.925 rows=20 loops=1)"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"        Filter: (target_project_id = 4402162)"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"        Rows Removed by Filter: 4754309"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"Planning Time: 0.346 ms"},
 {"QUERY PLAN"=>"Execution Time: 3986.972 ms"}]

Could this be due to table size?

Mentions #212355 (closed)


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Merge request reports