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Update Build/Install Indexer section to clarify what is necessary in Omnibus installs

Julianne Gendrano requested to merge patch-152 into master

What does this MR do?

This MR is a bit redundant, but I feel it is necessary, at least temporarily. Currently we have an open issue discussing the long term formatting of allowing a customer to only see instructions pertaining to their install by collapsing the instructions that are not needed. Currently, for many of our product features, Omnibus and Source instructions are side by side.

This Elasticsearch page is an example of this. Currently, all the headers are the same size, making it really easy for someone to mistake the instructions to the Indexer installation section. We have removed the need to do this from Omnibus installs, but the way it is presented and its distance from the note in the Omnibus section saying an indexer is already included for Omnibus installs has caused customers to open Support tickets not realizing they did not have to build an Indexer.

I changed the header sizes for the subsections of the Source install and also added a note reminding users they do not need to do that step for Omnibus installs.

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