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QA selectors for the audit events app are now customisable

Robert Hunt requested to merge fix-audit-events-app-qa-selector into master

What does this MR do?

Currently, the qaSelector being passed in ee/app/views/admin/audit_logs/index.html.haml:6 doesn't actually get used and is overridden by the hardcoded value in AuditEventsTable and AuditEventsFilter.

This MR makes it so these are customisable and means you can define tableQaSelector and filterQaSelector for each instance of the app.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing

  1. Confirm the table has the QA selector admin_audit_log_table
  2. Change the QA selector in ee/app/views/admin/audit_logs/index.html.haml and confirm it is reflected in the table
  3. Empty string and/or remove the QA selector and confirm it is reflected in the table
  4. Confirm the filter has the QA selector admin_audit_log_filter
  5. Change the QA selector in ee/app/views/admin/audit_logs/index.html.haml and confirm it is reflected in the filter
  6. Empty string and/or remove the QA selector and confirm it is reflected in the filter
Edited by Robert Hunt

Merge request reports