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Add GraphQL mutation for container expiration policy

What does this MR do?

This MR is a follow up of !32100 (merged) for issue #196784 (closed).

!32100 (merged) added the GraphQL type and the query part.

This MR adds the mutation part for container expiration policy.

Design choices

  • Notice that a project has_one container expiration policy. As such, the ContainerExpirationPolicy doesn't have a dedicated primary key (see As such, the project_id is used as primary key in this table.
  • A container expiration policy is created each time a project is created. (see
  • So we have two cases:
    1. projects that have a container expiration policy.
    2. projects that don't have a container expiration policy. (they existed before container expiration policy were added)
  • Note that (1.) will prevail (as in we will have way more (1.) than (2.)) as time goes by.
  • We don't want to have a complex mutation query to handle both cases.
  • We made the design choice that the service used by the graphQL mutation will handle both:
    • On existing container expiration policies, updates will be issued.
    • On non existing container expiration policies, creations will be issued.
  • As such, this MR adds a single mutation: UpdateContainerExpirationPolicy. The id used for the mutation is simply the project_path.
  • In short, the graphQL mutation is: "here is the container expiration policy I want to set and I don't care if the container expiration policy exists or not. Deal with it, that's your job, Mr. Backend."
  • The Project factories have been updated to be able to create Projects without a container expiration policy.
  • The examples at the service level have been shared to be re-used at the GraphQL mutation level and the GraphQL request level.
  • This is a ~backstage MR but since we're adding a new part to the GraphQL, we think that it still warrants a changelog entry.



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  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by David Fernandez

Merge request reports