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Add new matcher for interpolated strings

Nicolò Maria Mezzopera requested to merge 212283-add-custom-matcher into master

What does this MR do?

This MR adds a new jest custom matcher that allows to compare dom strings created by gl-sprintf with the template string that generates it, for example having the following markup:

const SOME_CONSTANT = s__('Scope|Remember to check the %{linkStart}docs!%{linkEnd} buddy');

<p data-testid="the-thing">
  <gl-sprintf :message="SOME_CONSTANT" >
    <template #link="{content}">
      <gl-link :href="someHref" target="_blank">
        {{ content }}

This would produce in vtu/jest a string like so (when queried with .text()):

Remember to check the

So running in your test:

const findTheThing = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="the-thing"]');

//This fails

//This works

Part of #216749 (closed)

Edited by Nicolò Maria Mezzopera

Merge request reports