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Split the dashboard header to a separate component

Miguel Rincon requested to merge split-dashboard-header-component into master

What does this MR do?

Spring cleaning. Splits the dashboard header to a separate component. #215465 (closed)

The dashboard component is too complex at the moment, this is a "minimum change" to split the dashboard header to its own component.

  • it's almost a cut and paste of the header html (and required props & methods) into a new component.
    • snapshot didn't even change! (save for spacing differences)
  • all specs (except one) are kept the same, the header component is not stubbed
    • this ensures minimum changes to the specs, keeping the same features.
    • so no splitting to create dashboard_header_spec yet!
  • a few events were added for transporting data between the two components
Moving forward

A lot of the props of the new dashboard-header could be replaced by checking the Vuex store or by other cleaner means, this first step does not consider these changes.

Also dashboard_header_spec should be created out of the specs that use .find(DashboardHeader) finders in the future.



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  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
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