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WIP: Docs: terminology tooltips

Marcia Ramos requested to merge docs-terminology-tooltips into master

What does this MR do?



  • Add tooltips or popovers to the docs to display terminology.
  • Reuse information from a data file (doc/_data/terminology.yml).


We can explain what a term means without having to take the user to another page. It allows us to have cleaner docs but at the same time say what a term refers to.

Review app:

How it looks

Tooltips (display on hover) Popovers (display on click)
Screen_Shot_2020-05-08_at_16.18.29 Screen_Shot_2020-05-08_at_16.56.59

How to do this

Through a regex/helper make it in a way we can call the term from a markdown document. For example, the markup {remote repository} should take the data from the data file and generate the tooltip/popover:

To start working locally on an existing {remote repository}, clone it with the command `git clone <repository path>`.


  • Decide if we want tooltips or popovers.
  • Build a regex/helper to pull information from the data file so that the same information can be reused in multiple docs.

Related issues

Author's checklist (required)

When applicable:

Review checklist

All reviewers can help ensure accuracy, clarity, completeness, and adherence to the Documentation Guidelines and Style Guide.

1. Primary Reviewer

  • Review by a code reviewer or other selected colleague to confirm accuracy, clarity, and completeness. This can be skipped for minor fixes without substantive content changes.

2. Technical Writer

  • Optional: Technical writer review. If not requested for this MR, must be scheduled post-merge. To request for this MR, assign the writer listed for the applicable DevOps stage.

3. Maintainer

  1. Review by assigned maintainer, who can always request/require the above reviews. Maintainer's review can occur before or after a technical writer review.
  2. Ensure a release milestone is set.
  3. If there has not been a technical writer review, create an issue for one using the Doc Review template.
Edited by Jean du Plessis

Merge request reports