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WIP Simplify project routing regex

Dmytro Zaporozhets (DZ) requested to merge dz-simplify-routes-regex into master

What does this MR do?

This MR is attempt to improve routing performance by simplifying regex we use for project routes. In particular namespace_id is the one affected. We do so by creating a set of regex used for routing but without reserved words in it.


→ be rake routes | grep transfer_namespace_project
transfer_namespace_project PUT                   /*namespace_id/:id/transfer(.:format)                                                                              projects#transfer {


→ be rake routes | grep transfer_namespace_project
transfer_namespace_project PUT                   /*namespace_id/:id/transfer(.:format)                                                                              projects#transfer {


We have quite a restrictive regex on namespace_id. There might be bugs with routing that we did not see because of it.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Edited by Dmytro Zaporozhets (DZ)

Merge request reports