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Docs - Promote Geo secondary nodes on external PostgreSQL databases

Anton Smith requested to merge docs/promote-sec-ext-psql-db into master

What does this MR do?

Our documentation includes instructions on how to perform a Geo failover for single nodes and HA. It does not have anything for Geo nodes that have an external PostgreSQL database ie. RDS or Azure. We haven't tested this personally, but we are confident that these instructions will work.

Refer to Slack thread in #g_geo (internal use only) for more information.

This documentation was written to support this customer in a ticket - ZD (internal use only), who I will ask to provide us with feedback on how the instructions go for them.

Tested failover instructions on DB type

  • Non-bundled PostgreSQL server (installed via PPA)
  • Azure
  • GCP

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  3. If there has not been a technical writer review, create an issue for one using the Doc Review template.
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