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Add job to clean up GCP network resources

What does this MR do?

Adds a script to clean up dangling GCP network resources related to review apps:

  • firewall rules
  • forwarding rules
  • target pools
  • health checks

Adds a job to run the clean up script that:

  1. runs on scheduled pipelines
  2. runs manually on MR pipelines


Example job:

Output of script:

$ gcp_cleanup

** Inspecting forwarding rule a00ab062f5fca11ea8ae742010af001c **
Queuing forwarding rule, firewall rule, target pool and health check for a00ab062f5fca11ea8ae742010af001c to be cleaned up

** Deleting firewall rules: **
k8s-a00ab062f5fca11ea8ae742010af001c-http-hc k8s-fw-a00ab062f5fca11ea8ae742010af001c
Deleted [].
Deleted [].

** Deleting forwarding rules: **
Deleted [].

** Deleting target pools: **
Deleted [].

** Deleting http health checks: **
Deleted [].

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


TODO before merging:

  • Add GCP_REGION to CI environment - us-central1

#211579 (closed)

Edited by Albert Salim

Merge request reports