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Correct threadcount in multithreaded environments

What does this MR do?

This adds the threads we know are running next to the worker threads for Puma and Sidekiq. Adding them here makes sure our connection pool for the database is large enough.

In puma, the main thread also connects to the database, so we need to count that.

In Sidekiq, the main thread and the poller for Sidekiq cron could als connect to the database.

This is part of the changes for gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability#152 (closed) as seen in we've upped the numbers of the queues with the lowest concurrency. But we're still seeing this for other queues:

failing jobs

This is less visible there because the concurrency is higher and therefore there's chance a thread does not have a connection available.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing

Edited by Bob Van Landuyt

Merge request reports